"Can I meet him now?",Amelia asked with her pleading eyes to which the doctor could not decline."Yes, you can. But try not to disturb them.",The doctor advised. "One more thing, as you are his wife it's your duty to keep an eye on him to not take any type of stress as it will not be good for him.Right now, he needs rest as much as he can and proper care for his quick recovery."She added, looking at her seriously."I got your point doctor. Don't worry I will not give you any chance to complain regarding his health.",Amelia assured her before leaving the place.**Amelia slowly tiptoed inside the room where Sebastian was sleeping and only the sounds of machines attached to him were audible, otherwise there was a pin drop silence there.She came near his bed where he was sleeping after having medications. She sat beside him on the chair holding his hand in hers, watching his face from close."I am so sorry Sebastian. Just because of me, you have to suffer a lot. I have no intention o
"It's not a deal where you have to look after the pros and cons of the project before finalizing it.It's a commitment for life time where we can't choose our friendship based on profit and loss.We have to share our pain, our worries, our fear, our secrets to each other.We will celebrate our happiness together just like friends used to do."Amelia chirped, getting excited."Well, you know in that case, I have already taken a step ahead of you.",Sebastian murmured."What? I mean how ?",Amelia asked feeling confused.Sebastian pointed towards the bouquet of flowers he bought for her especially, to start their new bond as friends but before he could get a chance to give it to her, expressing his ideas, all this accident happened."I wanted to start our friendship by giving you this but now they are shriveled and of no use.",Sebastian sighed signaling towards them.Amelia turned to the direction he indicated and was shocked to see those faded flowers lying there.She stood up and went to
Amelia walked inside the washroom to take a shower and refresh her mind and body which was aching badly.She locked the door from inside with her quivering hands.She intended to take a soothing bath and wash away the weariness of the day. The warm steam filled the washroom, creating a cocoon of tranquility. She began to undress, her thoughts initially focused on the discussion between her and her father.But as the water cascaded from the showerhead and enveloped her, her mind started to drift, carrying her back to a haunting past.In that very moment , memories from her daunting past resurfaced like a relentless tide. She saw vivid images of moments she had long tried to bury deep within her psyche. Her breath quickened, and her heart raced as the traumatic experiences flooded her mind.Amelia's trembling legs gave way, and she collapsed onto the tiled floor of the bathroom. Her body shook with fear, and she felt a weight pressing down on her chest. The sound of running water
Mia was lying on the bed lazily covering herself with the duvet, feeling weak as she puked out again for the third time in a row since morning.That was when the room of her bedroom door opened shifting her attention at it and she smiled watching the person who was coming inside."Where were you? I have been trying to reach you since last night. You did not receive my calls nor call me back.",Mia complained to Nick who was walking inside, losing the knot of his tie which was making him feel suffocated.He sat down beside her, closing his eyes but did not respond to her question, neglecting her presence which made her ask the same question again."I am asking something. Where were you? Didn't you have two minutes from your life to check on me?"She questioned, controlling her frustration."Didn't I tell you that I was going out for a meeting? Did you not know how important that meeting was for me? Then also you didn't care and kept calling me continuously without thinking twice that yo
Sebastian wakes up from his deep slumber only to find no one around him."Did she not return yet after using the washroom?",He questioned, mumbling to himself."But it's too late. What was she doing there for so long ? Don't tell me, she again gets those anxiety attacks."Sebastian said, getting scared, recalling those memories where Amelia was taking a cold shower in the middle of the night."I should look after her."He thought , and started calling her name, thinking that she might hear his voice and response from there."Amelia.","Amelia.",He called her name several times but when he got no response he stopped calling her name."Where is she? If she was not in the washroom anymore?",Sebastian questioned himself.He tried to move from the bed to chase after her but halted in his ways when pain surged through his body as the wounds were still fresh and aching badly."Ouchh!!",He whimpered in pain and didn't dare to move from his position again."It would be better for me if I should
"I have messed up everything Maria. I don't know how to settle everything in its place.I thought I would train him in the business world before he would take over his father's company so that he won't have to face problems in his professional life as he already had experienced from my company.I can't even address this as mine because it all belongs to Sebastian's grandfather so it's all already him.I want to tell him everything now because I can't hide this from him anymore.From that day we met for the first time till now I was dying to tell him the truth that this whole property, everything belongs to him only.He and his father are the sole owners of this empire. But how will I reveal that in front of him because now I have a family too, I can't make them suffer because of the one mistake my wife and my elder son committed a long time ago.", The Butler said, in his trembling voice."Calm down Sir. Just calm down. How much I know Sebastian, he is a very sensible man.He will unde
Nick was taking baby steps in her direction while unbuckling his belt. Mia gasped in horror witnessing the scene in front of her. She was trying to breath but was unable to do it as deep inside down she was scared as hell to witness his anger. As anger coursed through Nick's veins, it was as if a storm had descended upon his emotions. His face flushed with heat, and his jaw clenched tightly as frustration and rage welled up within him. Every muscle in his body seemed to tense, and his breathing grew shallow and erratic. His normally composed demeanor had given way to an overwhelming wave of anger. "From now onwards you will think twice before speaking rubbish about me. You will regret the moment you praised your ex boyfriend in front of me. You will get nightmares of the consequences you got after comparing me with your so-called poor delivery boy ex boyfriend.", Nick yelled, his voice echoing in the room. "No..Nick..Don't do this with me. I am sorry..I don't mean...",Mi
"You know Liara, for the first time in history, Amelia dared to raise her voice against Mom.Before that she just used to hear her accusation on her silently.But I see a new Amelia today, a really new version of her where her eyes were enough to let us know that she was bold enough to take up a stand for herself.",Noah said to Liara on the call, while recalling this morning's incident."Wow! That's a miracle. I had never seen her this side when she was with me.I mean I always encouraged her to take a stand for herself.But she never dared to fight against the injustice which her Mom was doing to her for such a long time.Maybe it's all the magic of Sebastian, her husband whose presence is mere enough to let her feel safe around him."Liara assumed, smiling ear to ear."No way, she doesn't even know much about him neither do they behave nicely with each other.Whenever we saw them, the duo was ready to fight with each other so forget about that encouragement and motivation part alone.
#After_Four_Years"Sir, Your next meeting will be held tomorrow.For now, all your pending work is finished so you can go home early today.As I knew, Amelia would be waiting for you at home eagerly after all it's your wedding anniversary today.", Lisa informed Sebastian excitedly."Happy Wedding Anniversary, Sebastian.You know what, you and Amelia are made for each other ," Lisa congratulated, shaking her hand with him."Thank you so much Lisa the Pizza for your warm wishes. I will convey your wishes to Amelia too. ",Sebastian smiled, pinching her nose."Ouch! Sebastian. By the way, I should thank you if you did not help me before and appointed me as your personal secretary again, while providing financial security and security to me along with my family.I don't know what would have happened to me back then?Thank you so much for helping me out whenever I needed a friend's help.And I am really sorry for the mistakes I made back then because of my stupidity."She apologized, holding
"Liara"Both Noah and Mr. Wilson screamed at the top of their lungs when Liara got hit by the bullet shot by the goons for Mr. Wilson.She fell on the floor and blood started aching out from her shoulder."Liara, why did you save me?",Mr. Wilson asked, taking her into his laps."Ahh! Because I wanted to repay all your debts to me.Since childhood till now, you gave me food, shelter and educated me with your money even if it was all just to show off to others but I wanted to repay that and want to become free from all your favors.Now we are even.Now I don't owe you anything."She whimpered in pain, while answering his question."If she is here, then whom am I marrying?",Adam asked, feeling shocked, watching Liara on the floor.He immediately removed the veil from the bride's face and found she was not Liara ,but one of his ex girlfriends."Jia. What are you doing here? ",He asked, getting shocked."Marrying the love of my life."She answered, smiling at him."That's cheating Dad. They
"How could you stoop so low Leo? I can't believe you dared to kidnap me after all that happened to you before.Didn't you get your lesson properly that time?And how did you manage to come out of jail after being proven guilty?",Noah asked, shaking his head in disbelief."Yes, I could stoop that low. In fact, you did not get the chance to see to what extent I could go to take my revenge on the Reynolds family and Amelia.",Leo smirked, while calling her name."Don't you dare to take her name from your filthy mouth otherwise,.."Noah threatened, giving him a warning."Huh! Do you really think I will get scared of your fake threats and stop chasing her?My answer is a straight no for that because today I will take my revenge on her anyhow.How dare she betray me and put me behind bars?Now she will have to pay for this.",Leo growled, gritting his teeths."You monster..",Noah cursed, trying to remove the ropes from his hand."Have some patience, Noah. We will soon reach the venue and then
Noah slowly opened his eyes, blinking it several times before opening.His vision blurred as he was trying to scan his surroundings."Where am I? ", He asked himself, when a wave of pain surged through his hands and his head started aching badly."The last time I remembered I went to a salon to get myself ready for the marriage ceremony and there an attendant gave me a welcome drink.After having that my head started spinning and after that what happened to me, I really don't remember."He mumbled to himself, trying to move.That was when he realized his hands were tied with a rope and he could not even flinch from his place as he was bound to a chair."What the hell? ",He shouted, trying to open the knots but failed miserably when his hands started paining more than before."Finally you are in your senses now.I thought you will wake up, after your so-called lover, Liara will get married to someone else and you will go there to congratulate her for a happy married life.",A man behind
When everyone has tears of happiness in their eyes suddenly a call from Amelia out of nowhere makes the atmosphere tensed up again."What? What are you saying ?Noah didn't reach the venue till yet?Calm down. Just calm down, wifey.I am coming, I am on my way to reach here.We will find him out.You just take care of you and Liara, okay ?", Sebastian tried to console her, as she was panicking badly.After he hung up the call, he looked at his family members who had expressions of worries on their face, regarding Noah."Sebastian you go, we are here to look after Uncle.Our daughter in law needs you, right at the moment so just go. ", Sebastian's mother suggested, rubbing his back."Thanks, Mom. I will be back soon.Please take care of Grandpa and if you need anything, call me without any hesitation.",Sebastian reminded, while hurrying up on his way to reach the venue.On the other side, Liara was crying badly after realizing Noah's absence around her."Calm down, Lia. We will find hi
"Sebastian, it all started when I was young and in search of a job that will help me to earn for my family.That time in my family, I only had my elder son, Ethan and my wife as my only family.Later, she got pregnant with Henry, Amelia's father.I landed in your grandfather's company, as his Butler.And from there, everyone started calling me Butler.", Aiden said, recalling the past old memories of him.And soon with the passing time, he confessed everything to him, telling how his father transferred his business on his name to work and flew away with his family to make his career."That's all. This was my dark secret, I was hiding from you from day one till now.But now I am more scared for my granddaughter's life because now her whole happiness lies in you.You are her own world and I don't want to become the reason for ruining her world because of my past sins.I am sure your family will not agree for this marriage at any cost.What will Amelia do then ?Where will she go? ", Aide
Ethan was crying badly after hearing the whole truth from Maria's mouth while his wife, Chloe was giving her support to him, by holding his hands tightly."Chloe, how will I face myself after knowing how selfish son I was with my father ?Who only loved me in return no matter how selfish I became after money."Ethan asked, looking at her."Calm down Ethan. Please calm down. ",Chole consoled, patting his shoulder."How could I simply calm down, Chloe?Did you know I crossed all my limits of being selfish all the time when my father was busy arranging everything in place in my life secretly ?You were right that time when you tried to stop me from planning and plotting all this.But I was so stupid that I did not listen to your advice even for once!",He regretted, closing his eyes."Ethan, we will talk about it with our father. I am sure he will forgive us for our mistakes.After all, parents never get angry with their children for long.",Chloe suggested, wiping away his tears from her f
"What?",Her father asked, gasping in disbelief."You did not even bother to share all this with your father even for once while you were busy dealing with all this, all alone?",Her father asked, complaining to her."I am sorry Dad. I am really very sorry for all this.I know you got disappointed with me but trust me, I became so blind after Sebastian that I forgot the difference between what's wrong and what's right ?I was never a good daughter, nor a good friend.I was just a useless human who became very selfish when it came to fulfilling her wish.I made you feel ashamed because of me.If possible, please forgive me for all my mistakes.I also asked for an apology to Sebastian and Amelia, for my misbehavior towards them.And now , I don't care what my boss will do with me after knowing that I gave up on his plan because now I am not scared anymore.After my brother will recover I will shift you both to another city, away from everyone's eyes and I will move back to my work, as Se
Clutching the hem of her top, Lisa started telling her side of story while her father was looking at her without blinking his eyes."It all started with a deal. A deal that changed my life forever.My boss made a deal with me in exchange for the job he was going to assign me.At first, I rejected his proposal because my mind did not give me approval for the work he was assigning me to do.But when he mentioned about Sebastian, the only friend in my life which I could not resist falling in love with, my heart betrayed me, accepting his offer."Lisa revealed, regret clearly visible on her face for her decision."What deal?",Her father asked, interrupting in between."He wanted all the property of the Reynold's in his name, and by helping him in executing his plan, he was not only paying me a good salary but also I got a chance to become Sebastian's personal secretary.And in that way it became so easy for me to stay near him and make him remember all the past memories he spent with me.B