165. Coming Clean
“Well…” Lekan sucked air through his teeth as his muscles tensed up now.

He was getting sick and tired of this constant battering of words and queries from Favor already. If he did not act like that before, he was sure showing it all out now.

It was very annoying to him. Knowing fully well that he already suggested an alternative for her. They could go home. She did not have to be here but she did not take it.

Yet, she was whining at him.

Which direction was thispontless battery of words and questions going to head towards now? Whatever it was that it was headed to, he was not liking it.

“What do you want me to say?” He barked at her, throwing his hands in the air.

She leaned back in shock. For a split moment, it felt as if she was going to cry. But she adjusted herself, tensing up as well. She bit her lower lip out as she glared at him now, transforming the sadness that squeezed her face into a glare that threatened to devour him on spot.

However,he was not moved by


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