You can't save everyone. Sometimes the best way to save them is to let them be.
The sound of the chopper blades whirring relentlessly rent the morning calm. Blessing heaved out, resting her head against the headrest of the chopper in which she was in.. Her life was pretty moving so fast, she had to admit it. But little could be done about it. She had to do this, beside, she knew that this was something that she would not come to regret eventually. After all, it was dealing with helping some people gain some powers, right? The type of abilities Leslie had. Then it was fine. If Leslie did not lie, then she would get one of those powers like that. The process of acquiring it might be painful, she was aware. But if Leslie could live to survive it, then she could. So by all means, she was very eager about the whole thing. It was just that it was happening so fast. If she had not been with Lekan, then she would not have seen the card. And while she bothered to think that. About how very lucky she was in that situation; she noted how soon it happened. It W
“W-what?” Lekan gasped to breath as his body slammed down hard on the granite floor. He groaned, looking up with a weak hand stretched forward, his eyes red. While blood flowed from a several cuts over his skin. “You don’t have to do this. Please. You don’t have to do this.” He pleaded, trying to reason with whoever it was. The person however did not agree. Blessing squinted, trying to understand the scene before her. Just then, the figure dashed up, running to meet Lekan on the ground. On closer contact with him, the face of the figure was revealed. It was Leslie. And she had the visage of a monster. Not literally. Her face fumed, angry, enraged as she carried Lekan by the side. And then slammed her fist through his stomach, sending him sprawling helplessly against the ground. “You bright this upon yourself.” She roared out to his face: “you brought this. You should have just come with me. Follows me to the Shstem Bureau but instead, you had to say no.” She thundered. Lekan
The white light dimmed out and Leslie gasped. She was no longer out there in the street. But this time, she was back in a place that seemed familiar to her. She squinted, coming to her senses just about now. It did not seem familiar. It was familiar because this was home. She was back at home. “Oh!” She exhaled, “that Astella girl must have done me a number. She teleported us back home.” She said. The Latino boy looked about in fascination, a half smile on his face. He turned around, hands to the side as people walked past th, ignoring whatever it was that kept them there. Right in the center of the pedestrian walk. “Where is this? Home?” The boy asked after making a 360 turn more than twice. He looked at Leslie who simply shrugged at him. “This is the System Bureau. The one I was telling that douche to come with me to. But he thought he knew better that I was only after his life. Or whatever insecurities were bothering him.” She ranted. “Sounds like you are pissed over it.” Th
“U-uh?” Frank stared from Leslie to Prof Bumju with his eyes narrowed and a throaty groan. “You are calling the system a curse? What?” Leslie croaked out. “Unbelievable. This boy has some guts to come in here and call our priceless work a curse. The heck!” Prof Bumju yelled out, slamming both hands to the table. “I don’t want it.” Frank whimpered out with a weak shrug. “It cost me the life of mmpphhh…” Frank’s eyes widened in surprise as Leslie’s hand cupped over his mouth. He looked askance at her when he saw Bumju facepalm and elan backwards. “Trust Me, you don’t want to confess your sins to Prof Bumju. He will use it against you, trust me.” Leslie said to him with worry in her eyes. Frank nodded. He did not get the gist here but right nwC the Olly person whom he knew in this room as in e other tha. Leslie. He had fought with her. And in some way, he had trusted her to watch his back during the fight. Compared to the man across the table, Leslie as his bet at understanding w
“Arriving in a couple of hours. Kindly strap in. We are approaching the public landscape.” The solo pilot of the stealth helicopter, the RAH-66 Comanche muttered over the head phone as he went on clicking some overhead buttons. The chopper was a two seater one. It had one seat in front for the pilot who was currently taking charge o fa the flights and the other seat which was behind, the sole occupant of it being Blessing. Blessing who kept on tossing about with a smile on her face. Occasionally, her body would jerk, some inaudible words uttering form her mouth. One did not need a soothsayer to know she was having a dream. And from the looks of it, it appeared to be a rather good one. However, a dream as it was, it was not be the true reality of things. The true reality of what was happening made the pilot in the cockpit squint his eyes. The usual music of the almost silent chppper blades were music to his ears. This would not be the first operation he would be carrying out.
THUD! THUD!! The Nigerian with the black headset over his neck and his blue vest with orange shorts huffed as his feet rammed heavily down the ground. The skies rumbled in response to the dark ache eating deep within his chest. It turned grey and soon the clouds blanketed the entire sky.In no time, the light dimmed out. Barely enough to be what could be the start of a morning. And in a shorter minute later, it started to drizzle.Lekan frowned this time. He did not like the looks of things.With his heart heavy, his fists grappled to his sides as he kept on raging. His stomach rumbled just then, a reminder that he was hungry.Even if he was pissed, sad, angry and not happy over the recent things. He was still hungry. And his stomach demanded to be fed.Lekan tried to overlook this. Tried to ignore the sensations within his stomach as he focused on his pain.He had just lost his Uncle. The last standing member of his family. The last person whom he knew bore the family name. And now,
Black trouser, white tanktop and a black crop jacket on, Astella smiled as Lekan received his order. She stood behind him, watching as the lady simply snorted in their direction until she dished out the food in a plate for Lekan, Lekan received it, with a smile on. But at this time, the woman was no more smiling. But he could understand why this was. At this time, the woman was expecting the payment for her food, which he was about to fix. He picked his phone and held it up, slipping out his debit card from it. “Uh.. I want to pay with my card.” He said to her, “Do i look like i run a bank in this place?” the woman glared. “Everyone is paying in cash and you think you want to show off that you are the son of what?” She hollered at him, making Lekan take a step backwards. But as he did that, he bumped into the figure behind him. Into Astella, “Uh.. Actually, I have his order hew.” Astella smiled. She dipped her hands in the pocket of her trousers and he pulled out a one th
RATATATATATA… BRAKATATATATA… POW! POW!!! Several rounds of gunfire exploded into the air, all of them directed to the hovering chopper. The serene atmosphere was shattered immediately as explosion lights lit here and there. All attack systems of the F-86 Sabre jets fired simultaneously. “Shit! He’s got shields.” The lead pilot cursed out as his fingers jammed into some buttons just on the roof over his head. Ahead of them, as the planes hovered, slightly adjusting their trajectories in a cyclic motion of arms bombardment. The chopper glowed in a slightly tinted blue light as bullets ricocheted off the surface. “That is it! They have shipped so we have the permission to unleash all the gunfire that we have.” The lead operation man for the Pinch Hit Operation chanted out once more. “Don’t worry guys, give them hell fire.” He roared as he focused on the shooting. The planes dived forward, switching positions so fast before the retaliation weapon system of the chopper could go off.
His vision was not like this. The future had changed. Lekan realized that now as he stood with the Mana blockers in tow. He locked eyes with Blesing who continued with her spell, unbothered by the fact that he was hee. And the strange creature of a woman that he had grown to be familiar with, in the red flowing gowns seemed to be urging her on. Whatever Blessing was doing, the woman in the red flowing gown seemed to need it quite urgently. He could not shake off the bad feeling about it. And the sensation that's why was his opponent. The feeling that he had had to fight her in a distant future. A future which a snow repeating itself for him, His vision waived now. The things he saw changed in a blink. In this time, he saw himself on the ground and a council which held over his head. They deliberated one thing about him and how to ensure that the timeline changed. {See the prologue} It felt very familiar to him. And this time, Lekan could not deny that this happened. Understand
Lekan got out of the building. Frost things first, he would get to make sure that blessing was alright, then he would make sure that the Bureau was set right. He did not want to run. Not away from it. He had been running for far too long and look what that led him to? What if as I ran away, more things started to happen to innocent people? People like Keder, the Bureau stealing her life and youth from her. The anger started to boil in him that he did not know when he started to run towards Blessing. The latter continued her spell as more and more mana started getting sucked into it. ‘ Just then, two people landed down from a building. One Of them having purple tattoos on her back faded off into nothingness. While the other one pumped his legs towards Lekan. Itw as Frank and Lekan. In no time, Frank caught up with Lekan and with strong hands, he hoisted him from behind. “What?” Lekan gasped out. His arms locked up from behind his back.. By the time he turned backwards, he
Just like it started, in the suddenness of the day, it ended. Relief swept across the ranks of the system bureau in one accord. They could all sit back and take in gasps of air. They had one priority while trying to ascertain what they were up against. They Had one thing which they had to do. And thaw was what they carried out all diligently. The safety of those who weep with them. THose who did not know what it meant to be system holders as they could not effectively fight back. Those who needed to be helped just because they did not have a system to start with. This was the priority of the higher ups in the actions. Only fighting back when they had no chance. All hope had been cast on monsieur Dayo and the actions he had been doing at the Research Facility. The research which had kept him busy back then, the same thing which had made him invulnerable to any threat which came from the council towards his being. It was in this moment that he would prove his mettle and hsi wor
She saw him. This was not like the threat that they had just faced down but it was still a threat for them. She glinted in anger as she started to run now. Ignoring the call of the other girls as they realized that the other demon had vanished as well. Thai was not their fight, at least, until they received further instructions from Monsieur Dayo on what to do next. His body scaled through the broken down side of the walling of the class snow. With her body still in drive now, she drove her hands to the stomach part of the demon. With quick succession ,she dealt multiple mana blocking blows there and then. The diamond screeched and the result was concluded immediately. It fell down with a thump as it revealed her to the people in the classroom now. And to the one she was looking to see. ‘Lekan!” Blessing called out with excitement in her face. “Blessing?” Lekan turned around with surprise in his eyes. He was hardly taken aback with many things. He knew that something would
Earlier on…. When he got the summon from Monsieur Demas, Dayo knew it was pretty serious. It wasn't something to be taken lightly. Especially when they had just crossed a milestone now. The unveiling of the Bureau would just be out there. This would be a major setback, if they did not handle it well. And so, he let go of the grudge he had with Monsieur Demas. After all, beyond their conflict and personal interest, they still had a duty to the System Bureau. They had to fly its flag and answer the summons against anything which was out there to bring it devastation and destruction. And this summon was just one of them. He braced for combat., literally. Donning his costume as what they knew of him as The Switch. He had to be ready for just anything and that included what he wore. This time, things would be different, Msnier Dayo said to himself even as they poured into the System Bureau. They would not have to depend on him alone in the combat of whatever they had to face. This
His words brought courage to all of them. Even Lekan himself could not help but feel fired over the words that he spoke. Perhaps, now, the perspective n of Donald by the people of his special class would change now. Change for the better, no doubt. The demon lady is frustrated. She shook her head, stomping her legs as her four arms slapped down on her waist now. “ Oh No! I hate this. Don't you play tricks o0n me>” he growled out as the decoy which she held in her hands now faded into nothingness. It was not the prey she wanted. And it infuriated her. “wEe need space.” Donald mentioned now. “Helen, your turn.” he called out. Immediately Helens dropped down to the ground. She slapped her hands flat out on the floor and then with a chant, her eyes went dark. All blacked out. “Shadow domain.” Dark circles appeared on the ground. They grew instantly with the demon lady with in the center of it now. The circles expanded instantly, merging into one gigantic black shimmering cir
The moment he got to know about the invasion of demons in this place; the first thing he did was to find a way to reach Leslie. He pretty much was trying to find his way about things in this place. And the only one who had shown the willingness to show his way around was none other than Leslie. Frank heaved as he held his right arm. It has healed over the time since the last time he had to get physical with anybody. And thankfully, there had been no cause for him to get involved with any fight. That is, he assumed Lee Min must have learnt his humility and then stayed to himself afterwards. He smiled to himself over this thought now. In the time past, he never did see himself as someone who would have to avenge anybody but now, it was becoming sort of his motto. Not like he was complaining about it. After all, the responsibilities of a King were numerous. And he had to exact them with the proper justice that was needed for each situation he found himself in. “What do we do?” HE
Power in the hands of chaotic beings is just a lower sample of hell. The demons surged about, numerous in their numbers as they screeched and roared. The unlucky humans who got up in their paths were gobbled up, eaten and then regurgitated as pieces of bones and blood. Fear gripped the ranks of the Bureau. In all their times of weidling systems, they never did expect to run into something like this. It has always been about fighting humans. Humans who would go against the way of things of the Bureau. Those who would flaunt the order of things. Those who would would want to thwart the general agenda of the Bureau. Never about things of this proportion. Never about misshapen beings that looked like a hybrid of several creatures. Black with wings, baleful eyes of red with poor patchwork of muscles over long bones for the ones who walked. Those ones measured several meters high, even as much as 8ft tall. The ones who flew were the smaller ones. Having the likelihood to apes, flying
Helen sighed, patting the black crop top she had on. The action brought focus to her belly button,the size of a water drop, externally. . It was slightly larger than normal. A phenomenon which was referred to as ‘dodo’ by his country's people. Oftentimes it was used as a term for light hearted mockery. But sighting it on her, the confidence at which she exuded even with it being exposed, it triggered him sexually. He loved her personality. The way she carried herself even though she knew she was not the best. But still had some air of confidence, as well as a bit of empathy. The fact that instead of leaving outrightly with him, she stayed behind to let him clear his head was lovable. Unlike someone who knew. The person of Lady Beatrice. She cared very less whether you’re anted to be teleported or not. As long as she had you in mind to transport, that was what she carried out. Consent or not. “You.” A raspy voice sounded now. It had a tone that spoke of humor and at the same time m