Basically, he sees visionq. These things have happened to him. His body recognizes them. Can't wait for him to figure this out.
“Alright guys. I need you to look alive for me.” Tabitha clapped her hands, mimicking the usual motions of Mr Dayo. Mr Dayo smiled at this, resisting the urge to face palm. While it was good that the girls were picking and Tabitha was at the forefront of it. He did not value the fact that she always wanted to mock him in whatever way she found. She was pompous, perhaps a little too much. His eyes surveyed the entire tank of the girls. These were promising ladies who would be pivotal to the policing strategies of the Hureau eventually. However, none of them had caught his eyes besides Tabitha. They were exceptionally promising, that was a given. Still, none had had that Tabitha level promising skills that she possessed. And while he did not want to always give the spotlight to someone as proud as her, he did not have alternatives. His eyes rested on the curious but various figures of the new girl. Blessing. The fact that she had called in, to voluntarily offer herself for the missi
“Ah!” Lekan gasped for breath as his eyes fluttered open. He painted, noting the restriction that held his hands together. His teeth grounded immediately as he realized what happened. One moment, he was on the stairs. Trying to peek at them. Trying to find a way to get out oor the house without being noticed. But that plan had gone to dust. Right now, he was on the ground, kneeling. His hand tied behind him and his face watching the neatly polished grounds. He lifted his head as a wave of dizziness rocked his books. Looking up now, he saw the five gunmen. Each of them having their weapons drawn out. But neither of them faced him. Rather, they had their guns out as they watched, in bated breaths for the spatial distortions in the air to settle. “Damn, that bitch is already here. Feel free to open fire on her.” The leader then said. He wore a white helmet as opposed to the others who had all black, in sync with the color of their tactical black battle gear. Lekan friend as he rea
Sweat beads dropped from the side of Blessing temples as he held her pose still. Her muscles cried for help even as she continued, every inch of her calling to be left alone. She wanted to let go. To let her body drop down to the ground, let her bosoms kiss the floor in defeat. But she held on. There was Tabitha and she was not letting.the girl held on he pose like this was something that was so easy to her. Seh squinted, regretting why she had ever given into confronting her, her every inch of her screaming in pain. She grimaced. The pain did not stop. The pounding in her head continued to double up with each passing second. Blessing groaned in pain. And on top of it,the man who was supposed to be in charge of them was not unbothered. He had sauntered back to the handlers, holding a sort of conversation with them. Like the girls didn't even matter to him. She cursed in her heart, wondering if all of this was even necessary in the first place. What did they come here for? Was
The arena. It was easier to say it then it was actually going to be. Did Lady Beatrice just imagine that she would head over there to then get fixed up in some matches? How about the help that she could have rendered? Considering how high up in the higher echelon she was in the Bureau. She could have just put up a word for her. Instead of letting the treatment that was obviously inspired by the Grand Inquisitor get to her Credds. In no time,she would totally be broke out. Credits were the Bureau's means of exchange. At least, among the numerous people who made that place their home. Whether it was by their choice or they found themselves in it, the Bureau had made it sure that the only means of exchange that was viable in it was the Credit system. The functionality of this made the Bureau work like that of a functional nation. And sometimes, Leslie wondered, if the Bureau Would simply just annex some p[iece of landmasss and then claim themselves to be some independent nation.
“Afiya!’ The girl beside Blessing said with a little smile on her face. “My name is Afiya. It means Good health. Afiya Masiko.” She said to her, skipping along. The path they were taking was different from the one they took to arrive here. The lighting had dropped considerably from the hall. It was not as bright as it was but still enough to illuminate the entire place. Blessing smiled in return to her. She was not in any mood to talk as much as she would want to the girl. Afiya was friendly, or so it seemed. She did not know her enough to determine if she was indeed what she was. Or not as some masquerader with some ulterior motive in her arsenal. She sighed now, noting the change in countenance of the girl now. “What?” Blessing managed to ask her. “Ah, you are not very conversational, are you?” Afiya asked her. “I just told you my name so that we could be a bit more friendly with one another but you are looking at me like…” Afiya complained. “No,It's not that.” Blessing
“Charge!” The sound of the multiple voices rang out in the sitting room. Lekan gasped out as the various versions of Astelal charged forward. The men with the guns did not like the scenario. With ayelp, they gasped, as well, pointing their guns forward. BANG! bBANG! BOOM! Bullet casings Scattered about in the living room. Under the heat and flashing of gunfire, the man yelled out. With focused gazes,they locked eyes on everything that was a multiple of Astella. On the walls, ceiling, everywhere, relentless as they rushed towards them. . “Keep firing them. Don't let them come close.” The man with the white helmet commanded. At the mention of his words, the gun fire increased. Bloodlust soared to the roof, their teeth bared out as they focused even more. It was them or the multiples of Astellas that just would not stop. No matter how many they gunned down. . An astella rushed out to the front of the gun man with the white helmet . Instinctively, he aimed his rifle, followed b
“No!” Lekan roared out.The pain in his chest spiked through his heart. His vision blurred, the imagery of Astella bleeding out replaying in his eyes.The way her limbs fell. The neat precision they were chopped out. The spew of blood, the shower of it that drenched him as she fell down to the ground.He gasped. His heart roared out in faster beats. His muscles twitched, teeth bared out. Anger roared within his inside, his stomach twisting into a knot.This person. The brutality, the wickedness in the heart. How? How could anyone hurt Astella like this?How could anyone hurt her like this?His head spun with confusion. It did not make sense to him. His mind reeling with the desire to find answers. In Spite of the fact that he did not agree with the System Bureau, Astella was different.So far, she had been watching out for him. Instead of herding him to the. Bureau even though she was capable of it, she did not. She stayed with him, informing him and trying to get him back.He did. Or
“Who is this guy?” Frank said, fornwing as he held the back of his head. He squinted now, noting the visage of Lee, irritation fuelling his bones to the max. He gritted his teeth, fist alledup. ‘Oh, you want a piece of me? You want a piece of me?” Lee goaded him, moving forward with a sly smile on his face. His hands spread to the side. Fingers splayed out wide, as he smirked. “If you want a piece of me, then come get it.” He said to Frank. “Ah!” Frank bellowed out, rushing forward. Only to be forced back by the hand of Leslie. She had a frown on her face. One that said she did not approve of what he was doing. ‘What? He hit me!” He retorted. “That doesn't make it fine, He is only trying to goad you.” She said to him. “I don't want you to do that.” “No come on. The boy has some balls. Make him hit me.” Lee smirked out even wider. His hands folded now to his sides as he watched the two of them. “Come, don't be shy. Don't mind the people around here. They have nothing o
His vision was not like this. The future had changed. Lekan realized that now as he stood with the Mana blockers in tow. He locked eyes with Blesing who continued with her spell, unbothered by the fact that he was hee. And the strange creature of a woman that he had grown to be familiar with, in the red flowing gowns seemed to be urging her on. Whatever Blessing was doing, the woman in the red flowing gown seemed to need it quite urgently. He could not shake off the bad feeling about it. And the sensation that's why was his opponent. The feeling that he had had to fight her in a distant future. A future which a snow repeating itself for him, His vision waived now. The things he saw changed in a blink. In this time, he saw himself on the ground and a council which held over his head. They deliberated one thing about him and how to ensure that the timeline changed. {See the prologue} It felt very familiar to him. And this time, Lekan could not deny that this happened. Understand
Lekan got out of the building. Frost things first, he would get to make sure that blessing was alright, then he would make sure that the Bureau was set right. He did not want to run. Not away from it. He had been running for far too long and look what that led him to? What if as I ran away, more things started to happen to innocent people? People like Keder, the Bureau stealing her life and youth from her. The anger started to boil in him that he did not know when he started to run towards Blessing. The latter continued her spell as more and more mana started getting sucked into it. ‘ Just then, two people landed down from a building. One Of them having purple tattoos on her back faded off into nothingness. While the other one pumped his legs towards Lekan. Itw as Frank and Lekan. In no time, Frank caught up with Lekan and with strong hands, he hoisted him from behind. “What?” Lekan gasped out. His arms locked up from behind his back.. By the time he turned backwards, he
Just like it started, in the suddenness of the day, it ended. Relief swept across the ranks of the system bureau in one accord. They could all sit back and take in gasps of air. They had one priority while trying to ascertain what they were up against. They Had one thing which they had to do. And thaw was what they carried out all diligently. The safety of those who weep with them. THose who did not know what it meant to be system holders as they could not effectively fight back. Those who needed to be helped just because they did not have a system to start with. This was the priority of the higher ups in the actions. Only fighting back when they had no chance. All hope had been cast on monsieur Dayo and the actions he had been doing at the Research Facility. The research which had kept him busy back then, the same thing which had made him invulnerable to any threat which came from the council towards his being. It was in this moment that he would prove his mettle and hsi wor
She saw him. This was not like the threat that they had just faced down but it was still a threat for them. She glinted in anger as she started to run now. Ignoring the call of the other girls as they realized that the other demon had vanished as well. Thai was not their fight, at least, until they received further instructions from Monsieur Dayo on what to do next. His body scaled through the broken down side of the walling of the class snow. With her body still in drive now, she drove her hands to the stomach part of the demon. With quick succession ,she dealt multiple mana blocking blows there and then. The diamond screeched and the result was concluded immediately. It fell down with a thump as it revealed her to the people in the classroom now. And to the one she was looking to see. ‘Lekan!” Blessing called out with excitement in her face. “Blessing?” Lekan turned around with surprise in his eyes. He was hardly taken aback with many things. He knew that something would
Earlier on…. When he got the summon from Monsieur Demas, Dayo knew it was pretty serious. It wasn't something to be taken lightly. Especially when they had just crossed a milestone now. The unveiling of the Bureau would just be out there. This would be a major setback, if they did not handle it well. And so, he let go of the grudge he had with Monsieur Demas. After all, beyond their conflict and personal interest, they still had a duty to the System Bureau. They had to fly its flag and answer the summons against anything which was out there to bring it devastation and destruction. And this summon was just one of them. He braced for combat., literally. Donning his costume as what they knew of him as The Switch. He had to be ready for just anything and that included what he wore. This time, things would be different, Msnier Dayo said to himself even as they poured into the System Bureau. They would not have to depend on him alone in the combat of whatever they had to face. This
His words brought courage to all of them. Even Lekan himself could not help but feel fired over the words that he spoke. Perhaps, now, the perspective n of Donald by the people of his special class would change now. Change for the better, no doubt. The demon lady is frustrated. She shook her head, stomping her legs as her four arms slapped down on her waist now. “ Oh No! I hate this. Don't you play tricks o0n me>” he growled out as the decoy which she held in her hands now faded into nothingness. It was not the prey she wanted. And it infuriated her. “wEe need space.” Donald mentioned now. “Helen, your turn.” he called out. Immediately Helens dropped down to the ground. She slapped her hands flat out on the floor and then with a chant, her eyes went dark. All blacked out. “Shadow domain.” Dark circles appeared on the ground. They grew instantly with the demon lady with in the center of it now. The circles expanded instantly, merging into one gigantic black shimmering cir
The moment he got to know about the invasion of demons in this place; the first thing he did was to find a way to reach Leslie. He pretty much was trying to find his way about things in this place. And the only one who had shown the willingness to show his way around was none other than Leslie. Frank heaved as he held his right arm. It has healed over the time since the last time he had to get physical with anybody. And thankfully, there had been no cause for him to get involved with any fight. That is, he assumed Lee Min must have learnt his humility and then stayed to himself afterwards. He smiled to himself over this thought now. In the time past, he never did see himself as someone who would have to avenge anybody but now, it was becoming sort of his motto. Not like he was complaining about it. After all, the responsibilities of a King were numerous. And he had to exact them with the proper justice that was needed for each situation he found himself in. “What do we do?” HE
Power in the hands of chaotic beings is just a lower sample of hell. The demons surged about, numerous in their numbers as they screeched and roared. The unlucky humans who got up in their paths were gobbled up, eaten and then regurgitated as pieces of bones and blood. Fear gripped the ranks of the Bureau. In all their times of weidling systems, they never did expect to run into something like this. It has always been about fighting humans. Humans who would go against the way of things of the Bureau. Those who would flaunt the order of things. Those who would would want to thwart the general agenda of the Bureau. Never about things of this proportion. Never about misshapen beings that looked like a hybrid of several creatures. Black with wings, baleful eyes of red with poor patchwork of muscles over long bones for the ones who walked. Those ones measured several meters high, even as much as 8ft tall. The ones who flew were the smaller ones. Having the likelihood to apes, flying
Helen sighed, patting the black crop top she had on. The action brought focus to her belly button,the size of a water drop, externally. . It was slightly larger than normal. A phenomenon which was referred to as ‘dodo’ by his country's people. Oftentimes it was used as a term for light hearted mockery. But sighting it on her, the confidence at which she exuded even with it being exposed, it triggered him sexually. He loved her personality. The way she carried herself even though she knew she was not the best. But still had some air of confidence, as well as a bit of empathy. The fact that instead of leaving outrightly with him, she stayed behind to let him clear his head was lovable. Unlike someone who knew. The person of Lady Beatrice. She cared very less whether you’re anted to be teleported or not. As long as she had you in mind to transport, that was what she carried out. Consent or not. “You.” A raspy voice sounded now. It had a tone that spoke of humor and at the same time m