chapter 37 : powerful pressure

Janson stared at Klang's departure and then said out loud

" Samir . . "

Samir came out from behind a wall, half of which was destroyed by the explosion

I patted his clothes that were full of dust and said

"Do you want something, Commander!?"

Janson rubbed his temples and said,

"Yes! I want you to send the return order to all the battalions at once!"

Samir nodded and quickly went to get Janson to run out.

The transmission method used by the guards is still a bit old, they use a magical beast that looks like a crow, characterized by its loyalty and speed that can even overtake

500 meters per second.

Janson looked around at the devastation caused by the explosion and murmured sadly, "Will! I hope some miracle happens and she's still alive. Other than that, I don't know how to confront your sister with this tragic news. Why is this happening, I lost the Ti-9 and the others and here I am. Now I've lost you too, am I that weak!!"

Five hours passed in the blink of an eye.

A lot has happened
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