chapter 62 : danger

" Hmmm, it's about to rain! "

Bryan murmured while looking at the black clouds, move away from the previous area after kilometers in case Janson and Michael come back, if only Janson then Bryan has confidence to defeat him but as for Michael bryan is not sure of his victory !.

He looked around and then headed to one of the caves, although that cave was giving Bryan a sense of danger, but he ignored it and entered the cave, especially after he saw that it was about to rain and also from the air it seemed that a storm was about to happen.

He placed Sylvia on the ground gently and extended his limbs.

Bryan frowned and looked at the dark cave and thought

"The sense of danger increases with the passage of time!!"

Although he sensed danger, he did not come out of the cave

He sat down next to Sylvia, extended his palm and used up a few magic energy, a small fireball appeared floating above his palm, the temperature of the cave changed from cold to warm because of the fireball.

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