My daughters life

Epic 68

“She is the one”. I said slowly.

“Put it on loudspeaker”. Dinma mumbled.

“I don't have the strength for that now”. I mumbled.

“Is it because of me?”. Dinma said as I began to wipe her tears.

“You don't have to worry too much? It isn't about you. I just don't have the strength for her calls”. I said

Without any more words, tears started dropping from Dinma's eyes, I had cold feet and couldn't even move.

“Can you for one second not think about this thing please!”. I said to Dinma who just wrapped her hands around me.

“I just want to go home”. She said as Leo looked at me weirdly.

“What did the doctor say about her going home?”. Leo asked as I took in a deep breath.

“He didn't say anything about her going home but since the case is about her being flown out of the country then I see no reason for us to remain at the hospital”.

“you should go make proper inquiries about that then”. Leo said as I left the room.

After much inquiry from the doctor, he said that Dinma could go home
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