Chapter 1514 The Hot Dog Vendor

Uélton goes around the Main Square in search of Everaldo. As if by divine providence, Uélton finds him selling hot dogs in a strategic corner of the square.

“EVERALDO!” Uélton pays the biggest embarrassment by literally jumping on top of the vendor, "God heard my prayers, and that's why you're here!”

Everaldo almost has a heart attack, “Stop it, comrade! Don't embarrass my customers.” He addresses a girl paying for the hot dog, “Mayonnaise or mustard?”

The lady customer was afraid of Uélton, “No, it's ok for me, thank you very much!”

The customer runs out instead of eating the hot dog on one of the park benches.

“I hope the girl wasn't scared,” Uélton speaks without the notion of what he did.

“What you want? Is Josias in trouble?”

Uélton is more and more amazed, “See? How do you know that I'm Josias Rocha's best friend? You can only be an angel coming from Heaven to help mere mortals!”

Everaldo neither confirms nor denies the hypothesis, “I follow Josias’s life at Maggiezine.”

“OK, I
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