Chapter 1618 Resistance to Prison

Amoreira leads Francisco to the cell where Shirley was awaiting trial. She is disheveled, her blouse torn, and the policemen's fingerprints are still visible on her arms.

“SHIRLEY!” Francisco is horrified, “What have they done to you? Did the guards rape you?”

“No.” Shirley responds in a voice that sounds like a whisper, “I made a big fuss out of the lobby and the guards dragged me away by force.”

Amoreira communicates to her boyfriend, “According to the sheriff who registered the arrest, Mrs. Mountain had the aggravating factor of resisting arrest. For that alone, she could face two months to two years in prison, depending on the severity and the judge's good mood.”

The 'judge's good mood' part was added in slapstick by the fun detective.

But Francisco gets more desperate, “Shirley, did you resist arrest? As far as I know, the mere nervousness of being arrested does not constitute a crime, unless the detainee resorts to violence. You...”

Shirley turns her face to the left and refuses
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