Chapter 1801 Inauguration of the New Headquarters


Great commotion and agglomeration in the East Lagoon neighborhood. Today is the inauguration of the new headquarters of Rocha Constructions!

Josias keeps pinching himself to see if he's dreaming or if he's fulfilling yet another dream. He looks up and thanks God for all the achievements he has had.

When looking at the crowd that awaits him, he instinctively looks for Everaldo. Where is he? Isabel swore he was at the wedding, but he didn't see him either among those present or at the wedding feast.

Tiago was at the entrance of the building, on an improvised platform, speaking with a microphone to the crowd.

“My dears, many of you know me as the 'money man'.” Laughter among those present, “Yes, I was the one who provided the start-up capital. There was a man, Romualdo Silva, who believed in a dream. After seeing how skillfully he and his team built my house in Happiness Slum, I couldn't stay quiet, I had to help him. Well, look how far we've come!”

Everyone applauds effusively. Tia
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