Chapter 1813 Katherine is Interrogated

Katherine is ushered into the police station as if she were a suspect in murder or money laundering. Some photographers who were covering other news noticed her and photographed her. An LCN reporter got excited and ran to the van where the rest of the team was.

“Someone please call Vernon Queiroz! It's urgent, Mrs. Rocha has just been arrested!”

Amoreira watched Katherine walk serenely through the corridors behind a mute Ivan.

“Moraes, what is going on here? Why didn't you ask these photographers not to take pictures of Mrs. Rocha?”

“I can't stop the press from speaking out,” Ivan responds ironically.

“Yes, you may, unless Mrs. Rocha has been formally charged with a crime!” Amoreira defends her.

“Don’t interfere with my investigation, Amoreira!” Instead of pushing the photographers, Ivan pushes the detective, “This way, Mrs. Rocha.”

Katherine decides to keep quiet. After all, anything she says now could be used against her in court.

When they are closed in the sergeant's office, Ivan
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