Chapter 2013 Recovery

Doctor Braggart decides to end the suspense and answers at once, “Guys, I have some good news for you. Josias Junior had an amazing recovery. The pediatricians who attended to him managed to stop the bleeding and he is out of danger.”

All present applauded and cheered in uncontained ecstasy.

“And my wife, Doctor?” Josias asks anxiously.

Doctor Braggart shorted his smile, “Well… Mr. Rocha, I fear your wife's situation is more serious. Your son was wearing a seat belt, but she wasn't. I fear her recovery will be slower.”

“But she's not going to die, is she?” Josias's eyes widen.

“No, she definitely won't die.” Doctor Braggart shakes his head.

“Thank the good Lord!” Isabel holds her hands up, “Did you see? Everaldo showed up, and everything was fine!”

Everyone once again credits Everaldo with this victory. Josias lets out a long sigh of relief.

Melissa and Kelvin appear in the lounge.

Dora sees her, “Daughter, where have you been all this time?”

“Mom, Dad… Kelvin and I went straight to t
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