Chapter 2129 The Farewell Party

Kelvin and Melissa throw a farewell party at the Mountain Penthouse, which will soon be changing hands.

Despite the song “Let’s Dance” by Five, no one was in the mood for it.

Alan arrives and hugs his mother once more, “Mom, I can't believe we're going to get any further away! Can I visit you on school holidays?”

“Of course, you can, son!” Melissa emotes, “Kelvin won't object. Alright, dear?”

Kelvin nods smiling, “Absolutely. I’ll miss you, Alan. You are a fellow that I had the pleasure of taking care of.”

Alan smiles at his stepdad, “And you continue to take care of my little sister and my twin brothers. Where are they?”

“Here!” Ignacio manifests. He and Mary appear in casual attire.

Alan hugs the twins. Caroline wipes her tears gently with a Chinese silk handkerchief.

Dora and Simeon are next to arrive.

“Hello! How is the food preparation going?” Dora asks.

“The pizzas are baking,” Melissa responds.

“It was kind of Will to give up these pizzas.” Kelvin asserts.

Simeon doesn't greet
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