Chapter 2205 Secret Agents in Josias’s Service

In the Mountain Penthouse, Diane is in the kitchen preparing steamed vegetables and ravioli. Daryl appears in the doorway with a Lafayette grocery bag.

“Honey, I brought that red wine you love so much for us to celebrate!”

Diane widens her eyes and turns to her husband, “Did we... make it?”

“Yes, we managed to get selected for an interview—”

Diane immediately turns the beam into a frown, “NO! Throw that bottle in the trash! We’re not going to celebrate anything!”

Daryl approaches her, leaving the bag on one of the islands, “Why not, honey?”

“I thought we were going to welcome our son.” Diane frets, “What you mean is that we are going to have an interviewer or an inspector who will still evaluate us, to see if we’re decent and responsible people to adopt someone.”

“Exactly,” Daryl is confused, “Honey, you know how the

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