Chapter 2260 The Hand Tucked In The Jacket

When Octavio passes Pollyanna’s desk, she calls out to him sternly.

“Mr. Motta! I emailed you, and it turns out you weren’t even in the office yet!”

“Did something urgent happen, Pollyanna?” Octavio approaches her.

Pollyanna smiles sarcastically, “Mr. Rocha is interested in your boxing skills. Do you intend to apply for the next MMA?”

Octavio takes a deep breath, fearing that Josias first found out about the incident from Daryl. He would fatally twist the truth in his favor...

Concentrating and gripping his briefcase extra tightly, he enters Josias’s office.

The CEO and CFO were waiting for him.

“Octavio, help yourself to a drink,” Josias commands him with a clouded countenance.

Octavio looks at the drinks table and fears there is arsenic or cyanide in the brandy, “No, Josias, thank you.”

“OK, so can you explain to me with a dry throat wh

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