Chapter 2268 It’s Me Who Must Sacrifice

Josias now visits Marçal Publishing. All the employees don’t dare look Josias in the eye, and some even back away when he’s passing by. No one rode the elevator with Josias, fearing his murderous aura.

When Josias arrives on the floor of Bernardo’s office, Maggie was returning from the bathroom and finds him.

“Josias, good morning!” She greets him excitedly, “How are you? João Paulo said—”

“Yes, João Paulo.” Josias cuts her off with a not-so-gentle smile, “You guys really like his contribution to the magazine, right?”

Maggie responds satisfied, “We have to admit your little brother is a gem. Readers like him a lot.”

“Well, that’s a shame. I expected there to be complaints.” Josias states wryly, shaking his head in regret, “I’ll have to remove my little brother from here while he’s still in his prime.”

Maggie is stunned. What did Josias say?

Josias doesn’t give her a chance to ask and continues to walk directly to the editor’s o

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