Chapter 2272 May I Don’t Have to Kill
At the Lagoon City Police Station, Ivan is surprised by Daryl wanting to file a late report.

“Mr. Mountain... It’s been months since there was a power outage in your restaurant. Why do you want to deal with this right now? The municipal electric company has certainly already made the necessary repairs.”

Daryl smirks, “Am I then to conclude that this was the work of anonymous vandals?”

Ivan scratches his head, “You know, there are a lot of individuals with nothing to do, disturbing other people’s peace. Now and then, we bring one of the hoodlums over here.”

“OK, but I suggest the police—”

“You wouldn’t come here if you didn’t suspect someone in particular.” Ivan smiles, crossing his fingers.

Daryl feels cornered, thinks for a few seconds, and decides to bet big, “I think it was Octavio Motta. We have a feud that has been going on for years. He is always sabotaging me when I most need Josias Rocha’s attention or one of his protégés.”

Ivan narrows his eyes, “I thought the Mountain
Anderson José

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