Chapter 2286 Death in Chaves’s Family

After the party, Josias and Alan return home with a full stomach.

“Mrs. Freire and Mrs. Reis did their best on that chicken pot pie, huh?” Alan comments as they walk through the foyer, “I don’t know if I can handle dinner.”

“Tomorrow I’ll double the reps in the gym.” Josias jokes.

But with his mind set on physical exercise, Josias takes a good look at the heir and firstborn, “What about you, Alan?”

“Me?” Alan stops the steps. He was already going up the stairs.

“You don’t think about starting to exercise?”

“No, I don’t intend to be a model like Rodrigo.” Alan jokes.

Josias laughs, but shakes his head, “I’m not necessarily talking about that, son. You know, every man has to be strong. And being strong results, without exception, ingrown muscles and a robust body. Take my example: I never intended to be a bodybuilder or a model like Rodrigo, but I never wanted to be weak and skinny either.”

Alan nods, “Dad, you’ve worked as a bricklayer since you were 18, so it’s understandable that you
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