Chapter 2326 Authorized News

Rodrigo approaches Cláudio, takes him by the shoulder and pushes him away from his beloved girl.

“What the heck is this?” He yells, “‘I love you’? Do you know what love is, you pervert?”

With the bump, Cláudio falls to the ground, on top of the monitor’s wreckage, impaling him in the back.

“OUCH!” He feels pain and gets up, trying to pat his back, “I hurt myself, you crazy person! And yes, I know what love is!”

“Do you love Nadia the same way you loved Katherine Rocha?” Rodrigo exclaims furiously with his face red in anger, “Do you only know how to declare and flirt with committed women?”

“Nadia is not engaged. She can choose me after listening to me—”

“HEY, don’t say that!” Nadia gets up from her chair, more encouraged by her boyfriend’s presence. “Cláudio, I told you that I love Rodrigo. I’m sorry if you feel something for me, but I can’t love you back.”

Thierry is the next to enter the room, “Hey, what’s going on here? The loaders are standing there listening to screams and the noi
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