Chapter 2348 No Need for a Grave

After finishing the entrance exams, Alan and Caio are having lunch at the nearest snack bar. They didn’t want to go to the mansion hungry. The radio is playing “Come Clean” by Hillary Duff.

“Now we’re eating coxinha and sugarcane juice.” Alan laughs, “But beef ribs, chicken wings, and pork chops await us at the mansion.”

“It’s just so we don’t pass out from hunger during the journey.” Caio chuckles as he chews, “So, are you confident?”

“Yes, I am. We’ll pass and study with honors.” Alan sighs, “Our parents deserve this happiness.”

“Uncle Josias never went to college, did he?” Caio is curious.

“No, he took a technical course at SENAI. But nowadays, people demand a higher qualification a lot. We don’t want to be unprepared when our turn comes.” Alan spreads ketchup on his coxinha.

“In your case,

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