Chapter 2610 Olivia Will Burn the Sandwiches

In Jane’s office, she felt extremely offended by Elza’s question.

“How absurd, woman! Is it so difficult to understand that I want to be your replacement? I didn’t think I needed to be more obvious, I was afraid of scaring you with my frankness!”

Elza shakes her head, “I’m sorry, Jane. But I couldn’t just give you my position without figuring out if you’re ready. And remember: my son will have the final say.”

“You can put in a good word of me to Josias.” Jane blinks.

“He knows you’ve been my helper since the beginning.” Elza explains patiently, “But you’re still young, and you have Augusto to raise. What would happen if you got pregnant again?”

“I won’t be, I swear!” Jane pleads, “And as for Augusto, well, he’s already big, he’s already going to school...”

“I know. But when I started working as general manager of this hotel, the fact that João Paulo was already finishing high school and going to college made it easier for me. Don’t worry, Jane, it’s not decided yet. But if you don’t h
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