Chapter 2644 Exclusivity Agreement

William visits the Housing Department to check the old land of the house where he lived.

After being served, the civil servant checked his computer, typing feverishly. On the other side, William was amazed at so much to type and research.

“That’s a lot of land, Mr. Campos.” The man smiles gently as he types, “Especially in the case of Happiness Slum. Unfortunately, as it was an irregular occupation, it’s more difficult to determine exactly the legality of the claimed lands.”

“It’s a shame. My parents were very poor and couldn’t afford a house in a regular neighborhood. But my sister met Josias Rocha, and everything changed.”

“Thank God.” The civil servant nods, knowing the story, “Here it is... Well, the land, as expected, has no documentation. The city hall can, at any time, claim that location and do whatever it wants with it. Of course, just three families have decision-making power in the entire favela.”

William scratches his chin, thoughtfully. Three families? Could it be the Ben
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