Chapter 2701 New Shop in Town


Josias was walking calmly along the sidewalk of Getúlio Vargas Avenue. Behind them, two men in suits and sunglasses left no doubt to passersby that they were the bodyguards.

With that, people just gestured or nodded ‘good morning’ to Josias. No one dared to approach him to ask for an autograph. Although Josias wasn’t the type of celebrity who hated interacting with his fans, sometimes not being bothered was essential.

Especially today. Josias was looking for a store to check the information he received...

When he stopped at a certain store, ten minutes after Ibrahim Square, he saw with amazement a team of workers renovating an empty place. A hanging sign announced: ‘COMING SOON, ANGEL STORE’.

Yes, what was written on the website was true. Angela Souza decided to return to Espírito Santo to expand her company, which has grown absurdly in the last decade.

To accompany the expansion, she announced new stores in Victoria, Vila Velha, and Cachoeiro do Itapemirim.

But something inside
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