Chapter 2706 Alan and Sofia’s Wedding (2)

Sofia and Olivia were startled by Caroline suddenly appearing, acting as if she was catching some compromising conversation.

But Olivia became tenser: if Caroline heard her clear her throat when talking about the ‘completed plan’...

Caroline slammed the door shut: BAM! “I knew it! You managed to carry out the plan. The plan to marry my brother to get money from him. What happened, is Vaztrans in bankruptcy again?”

“CAROL!” Sofia screamed pleadingly, “For God’s sake, not now, NOT TODAY! Today is supposed to be the happiest day of my life! Don’t you love your brother?”

“I love my brother, and that’s why I’m going to stop him. I’ll tell him right now!” Caroline screamed.

But when she turned to open the door, she found Reuben outside waiting for her. “Carol! Please, calm down.”

“Honey, I can’t calm down.” Caroline retorts, “I need to tell Alan that Sofia is only marrying him to get money out of our family.”

“LIE!” Sofia screams desperately.

Reuben grabs Caroline. “Honey, we’ve been throug
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