Chapter 2764 Reuben’s Messy Message

At Rocha Constructions, Josias received Reuben’s mistaken message in his office.

He reads, “Hello, Uncle Josias. Sorry for my delay. Carol and I are going to talk to Grandpa Frank and Grandma Isabel about getting married before one of them passes away. Carol had the same idea as me. Meanwhile, Cláudio Guzman slept with a committed woman again—WHAT?”

Josias was under the impression that the last part wasn’t for Reuben to type. Caio entered the office at this moment.

“Uncle Josias, Reuben wasn’t at his desk.”

Josias chuckles. “He’s trying to convince their grandparents not to die before he and Carol get married.”

Caio stood still for a few seconds, unable to follow Reuben’s logic.

Josias laughs more. “I know, it sounds crazy, but Carol came to me with the same idea. They want to get married this year so that Simeon, Dora, Francisco, and Isabel can be present.”

Caio nodded, understanding better. “Ah, okay. Well, here are the projects I approved.” He comments later, “At least, Grandpa Sim
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