Chapter 3016 Clash of Interests
In João Paulo’s office at LCN Editorial, the room got thick with tension.

Helen and Sofia, their faces flushed with anger, were confronting each other. João Paulo, who remained seated behind his desk, got his demeanor nonchalant.

“Get out of here immediately!” Helen demanded, her voice sharp with indignation. “How dare you make such demands?”

Sofia, her eyes blazing with fury, added, “Do you think you can say whatever you want about the Vasquez family and get away with it?”

João Paulo leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. “I confess: this is quite entertaining!”

Sofia’s rage reached its peak. “YOU BASTARD! I want a retraction published tomorrow. Are you hearing me?”

Helen pressed on Sofia with mockery, “You still haven’t answered us if it’s true or not that you squandered the money Alan lent.”

Sofia, cornered and defensive, shot back, “That... that is none of your business! The money was used for Vaztrans!”

João Paulo’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “You say it’s non
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