Chapter 2

When Cumas entered the building, he heard a noise. The noise wasn't that great, it was shallow. But the aftermath was greater than he would imagen. The bunker was 'technically' not a bunker.

'It's not underground'

He looked funny because of it, but then got startled with a huge rustling sound.


It was the door, shaking vividly as if someone was breaking inside. Cumas jumped into the air and looked at the door, vibrating unnaturally. He could not believe the impact was going to be that great. He blinked again after it had calmed down. 

He gave a sigh of relief, closing his eyes, going off into his dreams. 

The nightmare Cumas had was crazy, however he knew it was true. He leaves behind everybody. He could have saved those people, but the guilt started to bite him. He had fallen asleep from shock and did not even notice the area.

He blinked again.

'Was I that tired?'

He saw the door again, in pristine condition. It had a metallic look, opposing what it looked from the outside.

'The outside? Is everybody ok? Or am I the last human alive'

He thought about it but shook his head. 

'Think about that later'

He gave a stern look and started looking around. The metallic pattern rejuvenated around the whole place. Even though it's not too big and is a single room, it looked sturdy, that's something he hoped was true. 


The impact did not go round the whole place, only the door. He could not get out of his head, how the vibrations felt. He shook but made a conclusion.

'The door is the only entrance to the outside world, like a…… Bunker'

He laughed. He saw a small dip when you saw the middle of the room. Only a step deeper, but he could easily trip over it. He then saw a fuzzy red carpet, covering the whole metallic flooring. He blinked and felt it with his hands. It was warm, like a good insulator for heat. He blinked and smiled again.

'No, no, no, you have to be serious'

Cumas hated to show his giddy side, but he couldn't help it. "Nooo, way, oh my god," he threw his shoes and his sock off his body. They were very worn down, but he had only gotten a few clothing pairs because of his parents, treating him miserably. However, he didn't care. He felt his feet on the carpet. Bliss. Pure bliss he felt, almost revealing a tear.

"It's so warm, but not too hot, so this is like to warm you up. The carpet emits the heat probably, that's cool, but can it turn cold?" He looked around and wondered if he could change it. But after five seconds, he gave up.

He started rolling around on the floor, smiling like a child. He never felt this pleasure before but after a bit he bumped into the shopping cart that he completely forgot about. 


"Ooooow, that hurt," he said clutching his head. He looked up but finally realised at the end of the room there were cupboards all over the left and right side. But in the middle, equidistant in width to the little dip, there was a chimney. Above the chimney were boards which had notes written down, not posted outside the area. 

He pushed his hands down, calming himself. "Alright, so we have a chimney, that means the floor is not meant to be like that, right?" He gave a grumpy face, confused by what all this was. He moved in to see the notes, but stopped. He looked at his hands and waved them around like an idiot.

'It should be here somewhere…"

It popped up. The notifications he had earlier popped up and he sighed. 

He showed his teeth while smiling and said," open the status window." Nothing happened.

He twitched his eye and repeated it. After a bit, he saw a notification pop up.

[Can't open status window]

[Look at the board to check]

He raised his left eye.


He looked at the notes," this is what they meant, right?" 

He swaddled off, glaring at it. He saw a white note in the middle. The words covered the whole note.

Level 1.

He blinked and just sat there. 

'What the hell'

He looked around and saw almost all sorts of things.





He was the most disappointed with stats, almost crying. 

It said," your stats are too low, you start gaining some when you are a high enough level." 

He looked blank, then at his arm, clinching it, hoping to see muscle. He was disappointed. 

'Should I work-'

He shook his head," idiot, more exercise, more food wasted." He nodded and finally started emptying the trolley. The food went into the cupboards, still having that metallic theme, but felt smooth like plastic. 


A ringing bell sound could be heard, thinking what was from the door, maybe a visitor. He got up, looking for a weapon. He started getting giddy, but he was wrong. Nobody was outside. He had just waited three minutes for nothing. He turned and went back to what he was doing but he saw something glow on the wall, just above the advanced chimney. 


He saw and it had increased in something. He blinked as it was the food he put in. He went back to check it but it was gone. He realised that they weren't even that deep of slots, but got scared.

"Um, how do I take them out?" He just stood there, thinking how stupid this is.

'If I put food in the cupboard, it disappears, so I have to leave it put here. What is the point of a cupboard?

He went back to the items list and just smacked it. 

[Soup can is in slot 5]

He glanced and wondered, "wow, what took you so long to arrive," his petty mood. "Why don't you just magically put it in yourself, if you are that advanced," he did air quotes. He went back to putting things  on the shelves, just being in a bad mood.




The noise kept on happening as he kept on placing his only possible food source into them. He noticed that the cupboards were different sizes. He knew it probably because he could fit different sized objects inside. After awhile, he was going crazy.





He stopped for a second. He shrugged it and kept on going. After a while when he was done, he heard nothing. He sighed. 

"Aaah, bliss," the ding could be heard faintly in his mind but he was happy he didn't actually hear it. He saw the trolley he took and on the left side of the chimney, his right, he saw a large opening of a cupboard.

'Can you even call that cupboard?'

He pushed the trolley closer to it, opening the door. He sighed, it wasn't deep enough to fit in. Despite this, he shoved it, closing the door as close it could. He waited and got this notification.

[Slot 12 door is open, item cannot be processed]

He sighed but he saw how big the door was, gaining an idea. His anticipation grew and he dashed onto the trolley, took it out, and moved it into a different position. He closed the door as he waited and he after nothing happening for a while, as he ate some crisps, he heard it


He smiled greatly and moved to the storage note. He did a few experiments on it but he found that you could simply think of the thing you wanted and it would pop in front of you. He didn't want to try but he saw it on the list.

He punched the air then looked at the food which was going to be out of date in a week. He grabbed the food and placed it into slot 12. He closed the door and waited for the food to go into storage. It took another while before he finished the crisps he brought.

'Or steal if you think about it?'

He thought about it, then the dig was heard.

He had found out that each slot took a different amount of time. He probably didn't notice because of how he was putting it in slots 3 and 4, then walking away. He sighed, happy he found some knowledge about this place, but something caught his eye.

'Why is that glowing?'

He walked over to the note.


He blinked that it was real, to have questa in this situation. He chuckled and looked at what it said," pettiness is terrible, to avoid this, you have to feel different. Squeeze a girls body."


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