
"The mission has changed," Richard said go the phone after the call went through.

"Yeah. I have the General. There are other prisoners here and they are making super soldiers. So, we have to kill those, the General and I can do that before you get here, and make sure no one leaves," Richard said and listened again.

"Okay. Can you get the coordinates of where we are from the phone?" He listens and again as he nodded subtly.

"Good. See you. We will be waiting for you," he finished and hand up.

"How many hours?" The general asked.

"Two hours. They are taking the men in Brazil,".richard answered as he returned the phone to his inner suit and took out two pills.

"Take these. They will help with the withdrawal and keep you alert," he told the General and the other man took them without question.

Richard then took out a body suit similar to the one he was wearing underneath and gave it to the General.

The General changed as Richard took out several pieces of metal from all over his body
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