The end

128. By the time Richard and Macy were done with entertaining the guests, time was far much spent.

They thus decided to retire to their room and then leave for their honeymoon the next morning.

Richard carried Macy across the threshold as was traditionally unacceptable for a groom to let his wife to enter the door walking in her first day as a wedded wife.

Macy was so happy that she felt as if whatever she had going through was being compensated. By the time Richard was placing her on the bed that had been decorated with red roses, her ribs were tired from all the laughing.

She was happy.

She had two children and a man who adored her.

She could not ask for more.

“Do you want to take a bath first?” Richard asked her after helping her take off the high heeled shoes she had been wearing.

“Yes. I will go first,” she told him.

“Okay. I will help you prepare the bathtub," he offered.

"No. That's okay. I want to have a shower because I am tired. I just want to lay down,” she said and he n
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