chapter thirty: down to 73

The victory was hard-fought, yet he had emerged triumphant, a testament to the indomitable spirit that blazed within him. Ezra picked up the key to the next room that popped out of the robots body, and threw it to Sarah.

Catching the key, Sarah took a deep breath and then said to the others,

“Wish me luck guys, I hope I make it past this round.”

“Of course you will, what's the worse that could happen.” Jake said, trying to encourage Sarah.

**Five minutes later**


Sarah was sent hurdling across the room by a devastating punch by the the robot. As she crashed to the ground, momentarily stunned by the effect of the punch, a loud gasp could be heard from all her team mates, them Jake said to the others.

“I guess... that's the worse that could happen.”

Sarah however, shook off the effect of the punch, and then stood up, holding her katana more tightly than ever. Suddenly, she laughed aloud and then said mockingly to the robot,

“Is that the best you've got?”

In the blink of an eye, Sara
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