I'm sobbing, my life has been miserable ever since I got back to Livádia. The choices I made lead to Iasias being captured. I'm ashamed of myself for everything I have been part of, what I have believed in, what I have fought for. It all was backed by selfishness.

I won't be able to live with myself if Iasias is executed. After considering everything, my eyes dart to the long, thick rope in my hand and I sigh. My eyes move slowly from the rope and I glance upwards to the ceiling, causing my eyes to meet the metal hock hanging out of my ceiling.


The sounds of people fighting wakes and so did it for Domminick and Dalmatius. We three were locked in the same dungeon, and we still doesn't know anything about Iasias or his whereabouts. We heard he was going to be executed and then we heard nothing more.

“What is going on out there?” I hear Domminick sat to Dalmatius.

“I don't know. What do you think it might be?” Dalmatius asks Domminick and he sighs. We all c
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