Author: Precious Onyinye
Chapter 1

The Calm Before the Storm

I observed the final delivery vehicle departing from the warehouse with a sly smile. As expected, the room was piled with boxes of bottled water, bags of rice, and cans of food. I was the last human on a barren earth a week ago. I'm back in the world that existed before everything went topsy-turvy.

"Excellent," I whispered to myself, my voice resonating through the deserted warehouse.

I lifted my hand and looked at the supply heaps. All the items disappeared with a single thought, absorbed into my spatial storage. My warehouse held an enormous expanse that measured thirty football fields in length and ninety meters in height. The finest part is that nothing kept inside was impacted by time. I smiled. I intend to occupy every square inch of it.

My thoughts were cut off when my phone buzzed with a notice. My eyes darted to the television. Confirmation of daily necessities supply from an additional source. I lifted the phone to my ear and tapped the screen.

Yes, everything is ready, I said. Deliver the items to the same spot. I'm going to be there.

After hanging up, I inhaled deeply and enjoyed the fresh, pure air. Breathing and feeling the sun on my skin felt fantastic. This was heaven in comparison to the post-apocalyptic nightmare I'd lived in for the last ten years.

I angrily reflected that in my previous existence, I should have turned on the storeroom sooner. It was already too late when I discovered my capacity for dimensional storing in the second year of the end of the world. Many things were either fought over or destroyed. Most of the time, I had starved, scrounging like a mouse for leftovers.

I let go of the past and concentrated on the here and now. Now, I would be prepared.

"Dimensional transport... dimensional storage" I mumbled, enumerating my skills. I had more, but last time, I was unable to save the planet despite having all those abilities. I was alone and helpless, the last remaining human. My only choice had been to take my own life. I had another chance today, though.

Once more, my phone beeped, causing me to break off my reverie. There was now one more delivery truck on the way. After jamming my phone into my pocket, I went outside. The world was in full swing, the sun high in the sky, and nobody seemed to be aware of the impending disaster.

Boxes containing salt, sugar, oil, and other needs were unloaded by workers. I nodded as I observed them at work. "All appears well."

A middle-aged man carrying a clipboard approached me as one of the employees. Could you please check and sign this, Mr. Ronan?

I quickly counted the boxes and looked through the contents as I hastily skimmed the products. I signed the documents and declared, "Everything is in order." "Your payment is here."

I felt a surge of satisfaction pass over me as I gave out the cash. I saw myself as I had once been hungry, hopeless, and alone. I had the upper hand this time.

Things will be different this time.

My stomach growled, and the deal was finished. I laughed a little to myself. It seems like a long time since I had a substantial dinner. I remembered there was a posh little restaurant nearby that had the greatest steak in town.

I strolled out of the warehouse and toward the restaurant, taking in the well-known sights of the city. People lived their lives, blissfully oblivious to the tragedy that was approaching in just one month. I was on the verge of envy.

As I remember, the restaurant was cozy, friendly, and teeming with activity. I sat down by the window and placed my order for the priciest dish available. I let the flavors burst in my mouth with every bite of the food as soon as it arrived. The offer seemed too good to be true.

"I'd forgotten how good real food tastes," I grinned to myself.

I sat back after eating, experiencing a level of contentment I hadn't experienced in years. Everything was proceeding as expected. I had the materials, the spare time, and the expertise. I'd be prepared for the craziness to start.

My phone buzzed with another notification, and I quickly glanced at the screen. It originated in the warehouse.

"Yes," I responded.

"The products are here, Mr. Ronan. Could you visit to make sure?

I said, "I'll be right there," and gave the waiter a big tip. I had a newfound sense of purpose as I left the restaurant. This time, I wasn't simply trying to survive; I was getting ready to thrive.

Crates were everywhere in the yard of the warehouse when I got there. I looked everything over very carefully. All the items were in my dimensional storehouse, carefully tucked away and all accounted for. My phone rang again as I turned to go. After glancing at the screen, I scowled. Foster Father.

With a groan, I took the call. "What is it that you want?"

"What's my desire?" he bellowed. "Why in the world did you mortgage the property? Shares, stocks, and everything! Are you crazy?

I tightened my jaw and held the phone hard. "I required the funds. It is also my property.

"You don't get to decide that!" He growled. "You're making everything worse! Your father's business.

"My father's business," I cut in abruptly. "I don't have to justify myself to you,"

He screamed, "You ungrateful brat!" "You raised me, and this is how you give me back?" You're discarding everything of your parents' labors!"

Attempting to control my temper, I inhaled deeply. This was a man I used to admire and even trust. But I realized the reality today. He and his spouse were financially responsible for the demise of my parents. And now that I was utilizing it for my gain, they were angry with me.

I snorted, "I'm done listening to you." "Please do yourself a favor and refrain from meddling."

With my heart racing, I hung up. Thoughts of retaliation raced through my head, but I ignored them. I was more concerned with other matters. It was the end of the world, and I had a month to be ready. There was hardly a moment to linger.

Taking a long breath to stabilize myself, I walked back into the warehouse. I had a feeling of success as I looked around at the supplies stacked one after the other. However, I couldn't unwind just yet.

I needed to gather more information, establish contacts, and get ready for the turmoil that was about to take over the planet. This time, I wouldn't just get by I would be in charge.

"I must first tend to those who have wronged me," I whispered, my mind returning to my foster family. They were held accountable for their actions toward my sister and parents. That might wait, though. My top priority now was survival.

I pulled out my phone and began to make calls, setting up additional deliveries. Food, water, weapons, everything that came to mind. Nothing would be left up to chance with me.

Anxiety made my heart race. At last, I was acting and changing things. Now, I would be prepared. I would save more than just myself this time.

A feeling of resolve welling up inside me, I took a quick look at the lowering sun. I was given a month. A month to get ready for global collapse. And I was

going to make the most of every second.

Let the end times arrive. I'll be ready.

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