Matthew stood with one hand on the window of the car, his mind swirling with frustration and anger. He had doubted that the voice was Ashley's, and maybe even that underwear

His girlfriend, whom he valued more than the most precious gemstone, was cheating on him shamelessly!

As the thought arrived in his mind, Matthew couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“Ashley," he called out, his voice trembling with emotion. "How could you do this to me?! You cheated on me! And you even came here with another guy? Why, Ashley! Didn't I love you enough, or did you never love me back?”

Ashley stammered, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. 

"You! How… did you…"

But as her gaze fell on the emerald bracelet on her wrist, that Michael had bought her just some minutes ago, her hesitation evaporated. 

She met Matthew's eyes with a cold sneer as she spoke;

"Yes! Yes to both those things. Your love was never enough for me, because just this stupid feeling called love can't give me the lifestyle I deserve. And I never loved you, at least not enough to compromise on the things that I want!"

Matthew’s heart pounded in his chest, but Ashley was saying everything with zero hesitation. 

"Today, you couldn't even send me $300 when I asked you for it. What will happen when we get married and have a family? You're only going to sink further and further into debt! And I won't let you drag me down, too. So yes, you're right; I'm with Michael now."

Matthew's heart sank as he processed her words. 

“That's it? That's all it meant to you–”

Ashley raised her hand, showing off the gleaming bracelet. 

"If you still can't see the obvious difference, then look! This, this what he bought me within two minutes of me saying that I like it! Can you say the same?"

Matthew was speechless, unable to find any logic to counter her cruel words. But Ashley took his silence as her victory. 

She smirked. "That's right, you're too poor to be with me and give me the life I want."

Matthew felt a surge of anger. He had spent years supporting her, both emotionally and financially, and why? Only so she could betray him the moment she felt like it?

“I never expected you to be this shallow—"

Just then, Michael stepped out of the car, his expression smug. He had heard enough of their conversation to get a good idea about what was happening. 

"What's wrong, sugar?"

He asked Ashley, wrapping an arm around her waist. Ashley turned towards him, her attitude shifting from aggressive to affectionate. 

"It's nothing, darling. I just wanted to show this dumbhead his real place. Some people just can't understand it in one go, you know?”

Michael looked Matthew up and down, his eyes full of disdain. 

“Oh? This gutter rat is your ex boyfriend? My Gosh, I can't even imagine! You know what, let me help him understand his real place. Listen to me, good-for-nothing leech! Not only should you be thankful that I'm allowing you to wash my car, but you should also lick my shoes clean with gratitude!"

Matthew felt a burning sense of humiliation as Michael's words fell into his ears; first, Ashley had tried to humiliate him, and now, this? 

"You have no right to talk to me like that! You think money gives you the right to treat people like dirt?"


Michael's response was swift and brutal. He slapped Matthew hard across the face, the sound of the impact echoing in the car wash as a crowd began to gather around them. 

"Yes! My money gives me the power to do this, and much more! So tell me, what are you going to do about it, beggar?"

The sting of the slap ignited something in Matthew. Without thinking, he lunged at Micheal, punching him across the jaw. Michael staggered back, due to the shock and the force of his punch. 

But before Matthew could react, he felt a sharp, burning pain on the side of his head. He turned and saw Ashley standing there, clutching a heavy tool with both hands, her expression fierce.

“How dare you hit him!"

Matthew blinked in disbelief, clutching his head. The throbbing sensation in his head was making him dizzy, and if not for the continuous pain, he would never have believed that Ashley had tried to hit him.

His innocent, sweet Ashley… that was never her real face in the first place! 

Meanwhile, as Matthew tried to steady himself, Michael grabbed Matthew by the collar, yanking him forward.

"How dare you touch me! You dirty beggar—”

At that moment, the owner of the car wash came rushing over, pushing through the growing crowd.

"Matthew, you bloody idiot! How can you raise your hand at a customer, let alone someone like Mr. Bale! Get out of my shop and never show me your jinxed face again. You are fired!"

"But, sir–”

"Shut up! Get out of here, or I'll do much worse!”

Saying this, the owner turned to Michael. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm really sorry. I can't express how apologetic I am—”

Michael smirked, his eyes fixed on Matthew, who was trying to stay upright despite the throbbing pain in his head. Michael spat out a bit of blood and sneered, 

"Just a sorry isn't gonna cut it! I will make this fucker pay anyhow, he needs to learn that he has messed with the wrong guy. Apparently, he doesn't know the power of the Bales!”

He grabbed Matthew's collar again, dragging him toward the car. "Now I'll show you your real place, you son of a sorry bitch!"

Matthew struggled but was no match for Michael's strength and the pain clouding his senses. Michael shoved him into the car, driving straight to the police station.

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