When the police chief heard the name of Victor Donovan's client, the most popular lawyer in the country, he almost didn't believe his ears.  

His jaw nearly dropped to the ground, and he struggled to control his surprise from showing on his face. 

"Pa-pardon me!" He tried to compose himself, 

“Actually, Mr. Donovan, I have been busy with a new case and I think I must have imagined that perp’s name from your mouth. Do you mind repeating yourself?”

Victor Donovan was visibly irritated, but still repeated;

“My client is Matthew Houston."

The chief went silent, trying to understand the unexpected turn of events. 

"Is there a problem?"

Donovan asked, his tone sharp.

Clearing his throat, the chief quickly replied, 

"No, no problem at all! But, Mr. Donovan, why don't we sit in my office while we wait?"

Donovan glanced at his watch and sighed. "Fine, but I want to make it quick.”

Once they were inside his office and the situation was a little controlled, the chief was a little more relaxed.

“Mr. Donovan, will you have coffee? Or some fruit juice–”

"I want to see my client.” Victor snapped, running out of patience.

The chief cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Actually, I'm not sure you realize Mr. Dovovan, but Matthew Houston can't be released. He is an uncontrolled and possibly unstable man, who might be a threat to society."

Donovan's face hardened. 

"I don't think you understand me. Matthew Houston is my client, and I have every intention of securing his release within the next fifteen minutes.”

“But, Mr. Donovan," the chief stammered, "the protocol in these circumstances—"

"I don’t care about your protocol or your circumstances," Donovan interrupted. "Mr. Matthew Houston has the right to bail, and I expect you to grant him that right.”

The chief felt himself getting stuck deeprr and deeper in trouble. He knew Donovan's reputation, and also the consequences of defying him. But he couldn't ignore Micheal Bale, either!

“Mr. Donovan, I'm trying to explain that Mr. Houston—"

Donovan cut him off, his tone icy. 

"Chief, maybe you're not aware of who you're dealing with. I've won cases against men far more powerful than a police chief, so I suggest you cooperate before this becomes an even bigger problem for you.”

He leaned forward, staring at the chief.

"I can assure you, if my client isn't released immediately, I will make sure that every media outlet in the country knows how this station handles its prisoners and its visitors. Do you want to explain to the media, why you're violating the rights of an innocent man?"

The chief swallowed hard, feeling a cold sweat trickling down his forehead.

“That won't be necessary, Mr. Donovan.”

The lawyer leaned back as he turned to one of the officers standing by the door. 

"Bring Matthew Houston here. He needs to sign the release form."

The officer nodded and hurried out of the room. 

A few minutes later, Matthew stumbled into the chief's office, a little unsteady on his feet.

Back inside the interrogation room, he had just been splashed with water some minutes ago, to bring him back to consciousness.

As a result, he was still a little dizzy. His car washer's uniform was stained with sweat and blood in various spots, narrating the story of his suffering in the prison cell.

Victor Donovan took one look at Matthew's injuries and his face darkened with rage. 

"Chief, care to explain why my client is in this condition?"

The chief shifted uncomfortably in his plush leather chair. 

"Actually, I had to... we had to take certain measures to um… subdue him–”

"Subdue him! He's not a violent criminal, for God's sake. He's just a man who got into an altercation. This is too much!”

The chief raised his hands in a placating gesture. 

"Mr. Donovan, you have to understand. We were under immense pressure. The man who brought him here is very influenti–”

“I. Don't. Care. Do you really think that your so-called pressure justifies the abuse of a man in your custody? I am warning you, you have offended the wrong family."

He turned around abruptly and stormed out of the office, pulling out his phone to make a call. The chief watched him go with confusion evident on his face. 

He couldn’t understand why such a famous lawyer would be so angry over an insignificant car washer. How important could he really be…?

He turned his head to the other side to look at Matthew, who stood there, swaying slightly, his face a mask of pain and exhaustion.

The chief couldn't understand why such a famous lawyer was so furious over an insignificant car washer. How important could Matthew really be? He looked at Matthew, who clearly didn't seem remarkable at all. If he was truly someone important, why would he have allowed Michael Bale to drag him here and then get beaten up? 

The lawyer strode back into the room, ready to take Matthew away. 

“Hello, Mr. Houston. I am Victor Donovan, your lawyer." 

Saying this, he handed Matthew a fountain pen, presenting the papers and pointing at a few places, asking him silently to sign there.

When Matthew was being brought here, he thought he was in more trouble, but he couldn't believe this… he was getting bail? But who had bailed him out?

The chief's phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He picked it up, his expression turning to one of panic as he heard the voice on the other end.

“What is this that I'm hearing! How dare you hurt a Houston family member?” 

The person on the other side shouted, knowing that the police chief would recognize him without any introduction. 

The chief's face went pale. He stood up, stammering, 

"Forgive me, councilman Brown! I... I didn't know that—"

"Enough!" the councilman cut him off. "You have made a blunder, and just a simple sorry won't do anything. You are relieved of your duties, effective immediately."

The chief's knees buckled on their own, and he dropped to the floor, his face a mask of terror. He looked at Matthew, his eyes wide with fear. 

"Please, Mr. Houston!" he begged, tears streaming down his face. "I didn't know… I swear, I didn't know! Please, please forgive me. I beg you!"

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