As Matthew and Victor entered the opulent reception hall, Max Delacroix's eyes immediately locked onto Matthew's attire. His lip curled in disgust.

"Good God, what are you wearing?" Max sneered, looking Matthew up and down. "Did you pull those rags out of a dumpster? I've seen homeless people with better fashion sense."

Matthew's face flushed with anger. "You have no right to judge a man by his clothes," he retorted, his voice tight with indignation.

Without warning, Max roughly shoved Matthew, causing him to stumble off the sofa. "People like you should know their place. On the ground, where you belong."

He puffed out his chest with pride as he said the next words. 

"But if it isn't, then you should also know that I have a close relationship with the Houston family. In fact, I'm here to discuss business and cooperation; although I didn't expect to be disrespected like this! After all, why would someone ask me to sit in the reception hall with a lowly beggar like you?”

Max's superiority complex was very clear, and Matthew couldn't hold in his anger anymore. He took a step towards Max, but a firm hand on his shoulder stopped him. 

Victor Donovan stepped up beside him, his expression stern. 

“Mr. Delacroix! I believe the Delacroix family is just a small local family, isn't it? So it is my friendly advice, don't overestimate your worth.”

“Advice? Who are you to–”

"I am not done yet!”

Max tried to open his mouth to insult him next, but Victor snapped at him, making him shut up. He added in a tone that clearly indicated that he was unhappy with the newcomer.

“The head of the Houston family hasn't even met with you yet, and now you dare to humiliate the young master of the Houston family?"

Unexpectedly, Max Delacroix burst out into a mocking laughter. He pointed at Matthew, his eyes filled with disbelief. 

"Oh, really? You expect me to believe this nonsense? Didn't you find anyone else to fool this morning, that you decided to prank me?”

Max gave Matthew another look out of disgust, feeling revolted at the sight of his strange clothes that were stained yellow and red, God knows where all this man had been!

“Listen, no matter how popular the Delacroix family may or may not be, I ain't a fool! It is well known there is no heir in the Houston family. Where would a Young Master suddenly spawn from? And even if I'm willing to believe it for a second, do you expect me to believe that the Young Master is actually a homeless beggar! Now you're just making up lies, because where did they even find him? Lying in the trash can outside?!”

“You may want to reconsider your words, Mr. Delacroix! I feel like you want your collaboration with the Houstons and your entire career to be over before it has even started!”

“Oh, I'm so scared!” Max shrieked in a high pitched voice before smirking. 

“Come on, at least tell lies which are a little believable! Who will punish me? You– who yourself works for the family? Or this man who looks no different than a street rat? Don't waste my time–’

Matthew's fists clenched at his sides. 

"You are the one wasting our time and testing our patience! So it will be better if you shut up–”

Max snorted, interrupting him. 

“Such big words from someone dressed like a tramp! I don't see any Young Master here! All I see is a bum trying to pretend to be someone he can't be in his wildest dreams."

Victor spoke in a menacing tone. 

"Mr. Delacroix, consider this your final and only warning. I suggest you apologize now before you regret it."

"Apologize? To him? Don’t be ridiculous! You are the ones who will regret trying to pull this stunt on me."

Max Delacroix’s breathing had picked up, he was clearly angry. He couldn’t stand the idea of his family name being disrespected, especially not by a ragged nobody. He knew that he had to do something now, something to show them that he wasn't just bluffing. 

He stood up abruptly and shouted, "Guards! Get in here!"

Two guards, dressed in the uniforms of the Houston manor’s security, quickly entered the hall. Max pointed at Matthew;

“Hurry, take this homeless trash out of here and kick him out on the street, where he really belongs! He’s causing a nuisance.”

The guards took two steps forward, but hesitated when they recognized the lawyer, Victor Donovan. They exchanged nervous glances, clearly unsure of how to proceed. 

Victor Donovan was well-known to them, and they knew that Lady Houston herself trusted him. Acting rashly against someone like that wasn't a decision they could take lightly.

Seeing them stop in their tracks, Victor spoke up again. 

"Mr. Delacroix, you might want to reconsider your actions. Offending the Houston family is not something you or your family can afford. There will be hell to pay for it."

"Consequences? From someone defending a nobody? I think not! Come on, guards, do your job!"

The guards remained rooted to the spot, their eyes flicking between Max and Victor, not sure of whose command to follow. Just then, the heavy wooden doors of the manor swung open with a loud creak. 

The sound of synchronized footsteps echoed through the hall as two teams of bodyguards marched in. Their uniforms were crisp, and they moved with perfect discipline and authority. 

In unison, they shouted, 

"Welcome home, young Master!"

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