"What's impossible, Matt?" asked Lady Houston.

Matthew just scratched his head. "I just still feel like this is a dream."

He felt as if the world around him was turned upside down. He never imagined his life could change this quickly. 

Lady Houston gently rubbed Matthew's shoulder. "This is real, My Grandson."

Matthew was too stunned to accept the fact, like being hit by a tsunami wave that came without warning. "This...this can't be," he whispered, his eyes glued to the bank card his grandmother was holding. 

Lady Houston smiled faintly, her wrinkled yet stern eyes looking directly into Matthew's. "As the heir to a billion-dollar fortune, it is imperative that you learn to spend your money wisely. Take this in stride, my grandson."

With a tremor of his hand, Matthew reached for the card, feeling the weight of responsibility suddenly falling on his shoulders. Lady Houston nodded understandingly, realizing the burden Matthew now had to carry. "You have time to adjust. But remember, this wealth is not just for your own enjoyment. There is great responsibility that comes with it."

Matthew felt his spirit rekindle. "I'll do it, Grandma.

His Grandma smiled, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Our families may be separated, but our bond is never lost. Now, you must fight for your rights. We won't let anything stand in our way anymore. From this day forward, you must rise to the occasion. Show the world that you are a true Houston heir."

"Sure. I will fight! I will rise up and I will show those people who I really am." Matthew seemed to be instilling a strong determination.

"Good. This is the new grandson of the Houston family." The old woman burst out laughing.

Night had fallen. Matthew said goodbye to his grandma to rest after all the shock and chaos.

He looked at the large and luxurious bedroom with complicated feelings. The king-sized bed with silk sheets, the crystal chandelier hanging majestically from the ceiling, and the luxurious decorations made him feel like he was in a dream. 

However, this new reality was not a dream, but a great responsibility that he had to take on.

Matthew sat on the edge of the bed, letting out a long sigh. "How am I supposed to manage all this? What can be expected of me?" he thought. 

He reached for the small notebook he always carried with him, opening the pages filled with scribbles. This was the place where he wrote all his worries and hopes, an escape from the reality that sometimes felt oppressive during this time.

He began to write, "Today, my life changed. I never imagined that I would be the heir to such a large fortune. Grandma gave me a black bank card with an amount I couldn't imagine before. I have to learn how to manage this money wisely. But, more than that, I have to prove that I'm worthy of this responsibility."

After writing a few lines, Matthew stood up and walked towards the large window overlooking the spacious garden. The moon shone brightly in the night sky, casting a soft light that calmed his heart. 

"I can't let grandma down," he thought. "She believes in me, and I have to show her that I can do it." Matthew then walked to the large mirror in the room, staring at his reflection in the mirror. "You can do it, Matt. You have to," he whispered to himself. 

He then cleaned his face and prepared for bed, hoping that sleeping tonight would give him the strength he needed to face tomorrow.

The next morning Matthew woke up. He immediately went to the bathroom to clean himself up. The butler was seen waiting.

"Good morning, young sir. Mrs. Houston is waiting for you in the dining room," said the butler.

"Yes. Take me there," Matthew said.

Matthew walked behind the butler to the dining room. When he arrived at the dining room, Matthew saw his grandma sitting in one of the chairs.

"Hello, my grandson," greeted Lady Houston.

Matthew sat on the chair next to the one his grandma was sitting on. "Hello, Grandma."

"You're looking better," Lady Houston said as she poured herself some tea. "I'd like you to consider taking over the company. But of course, that's after you're really ready."

Matthew was silent for a moment, contemplating his grandmother's words. "I'll think about it, Grandma. Thank you for your trust."

Just then, the butler came over and bowed respectfully. "Sorry to disturb you, young master, madam. Mr. Max Delacroix has been kneeling at the entrance to the estate all night. The security guards have asked him to leave, but he refuses to leave despite being beaten and chased away by the security guards. He asked to see you, young sir."

Lady Houston looked at her grandson with a meaningful gaze. "You solved your problem yourself. This is another test for you. Show him who you are."

Matthew nodded, then ordered the butler, "Take Max to the dining room." There was a tone of kindness in his voice, even though his heart was full of mixed emotions. 

Not long after, Max Delacroix appeared at the dining room door. His clothes still had traces of the security guard's shoes from the hard kicks he had received, and he looked cold after being on his knees all night. His eyes were swollen and bruises dotted his face.

Matthew looked at Max's appearance with pity from top to bottom. What an ironic life.

"What do you want from me, Ma? I let you go, but you didn't leave and insisted on coming to see me," Matthew said with a flat stare aimed at Max.

Max dropped to his knees, and in a trembling voice he said, "Matthew, I... I beg your forgiveness. I know I've done wrong. Please, give me a chance to make it right."

Matthew looked at Max with a look that was hard to read. On the one hand, there was compassion arising from his heart, but on the other hand, the anger and humiliation he had received were not easily forgotten. "Max, I want to hear your reason. Why did you lower yourself so much? What really happened?"

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