With a sigh, I awoke and looked around for Sylvie. The last thing I recall is that we were involved in a car accident.

"Matteo, don't move," urged my pal Reed.

"Where is Sylvie?" I asked. I'm attempting to ignore the discomfort of my wounds. He remained silent and his eyes was drawn to the ground. I stood up after removing the syringe from my wrist.

"Do you know where she is?" I questioned him again, panicked.

"She's in a life-threatening condition. Outside the room, her parents are waiting for her," he informed me of this. Hearing about her precarious health made my heart twitch with pain. I hurriedly exited the room, hoping to get a glimpse of her. As I approached her chamber, I noticed an elderly couple crying on the bench. They were Sylvie's parents, who were supporting one another after seeing their daughter's condition. Looking at Sylvie's outside the room, I maintained my hand on the window glass. She had an oxygen mask on her face, as well as numerous medical cables and white bandages covering her head. Her gorgeous wrinkle-free face was covered with wounds and bruises.

"Did you put on her engagement ring?" a gruff voice yelled. When I turned to face the voice, I noticed Sylvie's father. He was dressed in a wrinkled black tuxedo and appeared to be roughly 60 years old.

"Did you wear that engagement ring?" he said once more, pointing to Sylvie's finger. Sylvie had informed me that we needed to discuss our engagement with her family because they were quite possessive of her. But I didn't think to tell them by myself.

"Sir, you are correct. On her finger, I wore the engagement ring. Since three years, we've been covertly dating. "We had a lot of love for each other," I admitted humbly. Memories started flashing in front of my eyes every time we spent time together.

"Why the heck did you both get engaged?"

he exclaimed angrily. I was perplexed by his rage because, as a father, he should be pleased for her.

"She won't make it," he grumbled, frustratedly running his fingers through his hair.

"Sir, Please don't say anything like that. For the sake of me, she will endure," I persuaded myself and her father that she couldn't leave me alone. Then, while touching Sylvie's face, her mother rose from the bench and ran her palm over the window glass.

"We were not her adversaries who forbade her from loving. But solely for her sake, for her life," her eyes spark with anguish. I was perplexed by their perplexing responses and questions. Why are they making such disparaging remarks about their own daughter?

"Can you tell me what you're talking about?" I asked, my brows wrinkled, perplexed. She strolled over to the bench, her attention fixed on me. She then removed the diary and forwarded it to me.

"This is Sylvie's diary," I explained as I stared at it. Sylvie had previously demonstrated it to me.

"We've been reading her diary in secret just to keep up with her activities. We forced her ex-boyfriends to break up with her on several occasions without her knowledge. You were the only one we were unaware of." Her mother clenched her teeth violently and added, "She didn't write anything about you." Instead of clearing my mind, I became more perplexed and had more questions.

"How come you didn't just let her enjoy her life?" I snarled at her, my lips twisted in disappointment. I understand being possessive of their kid, but they were attempting to control her life, which was not a healthy thing.

"Because she is cursed," she groaned deeply.


"She is, indeed, cursed. Her father has inherited not just property and fortune, but also a curse. Our royal family previously resided in Europe. There was a lovely palace, encircled by a lovely lake. Twen, the late King Mark's brother, attempted to molest a beautiful girl named Lily in the castle some 300 years ago. Lily jumped off the royal terrace in an attempt to save herself. Father D'Souza, the royal priest, was her father. She was getting married soon. King Mark chastised his brother for his transgressions. If his dead parents had not taken a vow from him to look after his younger brother, he would have hanged him. Father D'Souza, a learned and powerful spiritual master, was furious to the point of anger. When King Mark came, he was standing alongside his daughter Lily's body. From his brother's side, he apologized to Father D'Souza and pledged to give her daughter justice. However, the master was outraged, and he did not listen to the king's apologies or behave in a similar manner. He cast a dreadful curse on King Mark, saying that no daughter in the king's family would ever marry. His daughter was about to marry and live happily ever after. But it broke, and his delight was taken away. They will die immediately if they ever attempt to marry or become engaged. To forgive the curse, the king placed his crown in front of his feet. The master, on the other hand, kicked the king's crown and rendered him powerless for the rest of his life. We've been protecting our daughter's life since then," she sobbed, the diary falling to the ground. Peter entered the ICU and removed Sylvie's engagement ring off her finger. He handed me the ring as he walked out of the ICU.

"Just take back your ring and forget about Sylvie," he sighed hard.

"However, Uncle Peter, I couldn't forget about her and couldn't live without her."

He placed his palm on my cheek, suggesting that I should keep my mouth shut.

"I always advised you to tell her the truth. But you didn't listen to me, did you? "He yelled angrily at Daisy, his wife.

"I also happen to be her mother. I just wanted her to have a happy and carefree childhood. She would be terrified if she knew the truth all of the time."

"What would have occurred if something had happened to her?"

"She will not be harmed in any way. Because they will be isolated from one another, "she murmured, her gaze falling on me.

"Peter, Uncle, You only listened to me once," I begged them, but they turned away from me with their backs to me.

"Let's move from here, Matteo," Reed remarked as he dragged me out of the ICU corridor. I was speechless and powerless when I saw Sylvie, my love, separated from me. We were on nine clouds of happiness till yesterday. I can't give up on her simply because the circumstances aren't ideal. Relationships that are excellent aren't great because they are free of challenges. They're fantastic because both people care about each other enough to figure out a way to make it work.

"Until I die," I murmured, "no cursed will be able to separate us."

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