Chapter 2
Author: Westley Dans
last update2022-05-02 07:01:17

The Graybite Tribe.

Also known as the most powerful and dangerous tribe in all of werewolf history. The Northern Claw Nation, which included Graybite and the eleven other tribes in the vicinity, was formidable as a whole, but Graybite reigned at the top in terms of its military prowess and the ability to enforce the will of the Majestic Moon Monarchy, the royal court that ruled over all of wolf-kind.

In the Canadian Rockies was the notorious Graveltara Woods, where the Graybite Tribe prospered. There existed the largest bristlecone pine trees known to man and magi, the spiral of each bole twisting high into the sky until they burst into branches that imitated strikes of lightning. Even as Rafe rode upon Beau, who was currently loping in his humongous, maroon-colored wolf form, he could see buildings and homes that looked like a bunch of bungalow birdhouses crammed together. And each tree had that same crowded layout. It was nearly impossible to tell which was a house and which was a store or a school.

Whoever designed the village needed to be fired.

The two entered the familiar beginnings of the forest, Beau galloping through thick vegetation and small ponds with ease. His flannel shirt billowing in the warming wind, Rafe looked all around him, remembering the day he saved Andre from his bullies, not knowing how he knew his best friend was in trouble, but just feeling the need to check up on him. The place hadn’t changed a bit. Though, he hoped the Scottish mutt and his puppy dogs squirmed in shame every time they crossed these woods.

Rafe snorted.

“What’s so funny up there,” Beau spoke even in his wolf form, sounding unnaturally deep and growly.

“Nothing,” the boy responded, his lips still curled up.

Soon, dirt became stone, and the duo eventually found themselves in a busy village. The sight of a young kid riding on a large, red wolf-beast did nothing to deter the tribespeople of Graybite from getting to where they wanted to go. The children still frolicked over and near the bridge, the older folks still paced to and fro, and some even transformed into wolves themselves, leaping to different parts of the land.

Rafe hopped off Beau’s back and scanned his surroundings while Beau reverted, a green glow briefly taking over his form mid-regression before dissipating, revealing the buff lycan in a green sweater jacket and jeans.

“So, you can do magic,” the blond sounded accusatory, recalling the older male shredding his clothes in his change. “You just got your clothes back.”

Beau smirked back at him. “Actually, that’s just automatic. It’s a built-in mechanism whenever we first transform even if we don’t have full control over it. And what are you talking about, little imp? I do magic all the time.”

He outstretched his palm, and, out of thin air, a flame flickered to life above it. “Wolves are natural fire-starters. It’s an affinity. I’m part wolf, so…”

Rafe lifted a brow. “Did you hate being a human that much or something?”

Beau shrugged as he relinquished the flame. “Not really. I just hated being weak and defenseless all the time. I honestly wish I was a lot like you at your age, imp. I’m a bit envious, but don’t you go telling that to other people, or else I’ll bite you.”

The boy felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the temperature in Graybite tugging at his chest. Instead of acknowledging it, he puffed up and grinned haughtily up at his guardian. “I make no promises, old man.”

The inside of Graybite didn’t feel all that different from Outville Piers. As Beau led Rafe down the concrete streets, the latter didn’t get any odd vibes. Everything was within walking distance, and everyone happened to know everyone. And, unlike the Coat, it wasn’t a guise that was put on to portray normalcy to the outside world. The only weird thing was the large stone wolf heads that protruded out of the bark of the mountain-sized trees, hanging over the towns like watchful otherworldly forces.

“So, here’s the deal,” Beau began as they walked. “I’ll distract the Alpha while you go find Andre-”

“Well, look who we have here.”

An adenoidal voice cut the lycan off, and the duo turned around to find a trio of tall tribe members headed their way with a cocky pep in their steps.

“If it isn’t Beau Watson in the flesh,” said the wolf in the forefront, a butt-ugly, lanky mess with shaggy, caramel hair and a hooked nose that reminded Rafe of a cartoon character he saw in one of Andre’s video games.

The other two didn’t exactly have anything noteworthy about them. One had tan skin and the other was so pale nobody could be blamed if he was mistaken for a vampire. Rafe internally dubbed them the “inbred trio” in his head.

Beau’s posture straightened, keeping his tightened fists at his sides and his blood-red eyes on the leader of the triad. “And if it isn’t…” he narrowed his gaze as he blanked on the name, motioning for the leader to say something, “um, this is where you come in again.”

The guy took offense to this, snarling as he made a threatening step toward Beau. “A halfie like you doesn’t deserve to know if you don’t know! What the hell are you doing bringing a human in our woods?” he pointed at Rafe. “We saw you run up in here with him on your back from the sentry station.”

“Well, we were coasting through the area on our way to “nonya” to talk about some “business,” Beau answered casually.

“What business?” the tan one squeaked, failing at an attempt at being intimidating.

Rafe lifted an eyebrow at him. The guy already gave off the impression of being an empty-headed idiot seeing as how he probably followed Hook-nose here around all day, but now, the boy wondered if he was playing along or if he was genuinely that stupid. It certainly attested to what the higher-ups were like in this tribe. People passed by, only giving brief, curious glances before moving on their way, letting their fellow tribesmen embarrass themselves.

“With nonya,” Beau’s eyes flitted between the three as if he was expecting them to recognize something. “You know.”


Clearly, the frontman knew he was being mocked, elbowing his moronic sycophant in the chest. “Shut up, you idiot! It’s obvious our friend here doesn’t want to inform his full-blooded superiors on why he’s smuggling in a little monkey onto our land.”

Rafe bristled, scowling at the three arrogant wolves. He wagered it was only bravado. It seemed to be a theme for them taking into account his encounter with that Jarekid asshole and his cronies. They were weak, little puppies, and he bet these guys were, too. Why else would they need to gang up on a lycan and a young boy in a group? Safety in numbers, right? That never worked on Rafe. It didn’t four years ago, and it wouldn’t now. He wished he could step up to the inbred trio, but Beau’s massive form was blocking him from a clear attack.

“You think you can do whatever you want, halfie?” the leader pointed a finger at Beau’s chest. “It doesn’t matter if Alpha Renkin likes you. You obey our rules!”

“Then why doesn’t he come here and tell me that himself?” Beau tilted his chin upward. “Go on, watchdogs. Fetch him for me like good, lil’ boys.”

“Watch who you’re fucking talking to, half-breed! Or your little monkey boy gets it!” his sewage brown eyes turned to slits filled with malefic promise when he looked at the boy, but much to his and his cronies’ surprise, it only made him laugh.

Rafe had faced hostiles more daunting than… this. Compared to the scum back home, this was honestly pathetic.

“Bring it on, creep,” the boy sneered. “You work in the sentry station, right? Which means you sit around all day on your fatass and stare at people.”

“Imp,” Beau muttered in warning, although there was a slight quirk to his lips.

The leader’s face reddened in anger, directing that sharp finger at him. “Stupid ape! You think you can take me on? I’m a gamma trained by the Alpha himself! One of his enforcers even! You’re nothing but a little brat!”

Rafe shrugged coolly. “I may be a monkey, but at least I’m not a bitch like you.”

That did the trick.

The guy released an animalistic growl as he stomped toward the boy, but Beau was instantly in front of him, forcing the scrawny wolf back with just his large chest.

The guy cocked a fist back. “You fucking-”

“That's enough, Hemming. Back doon.”

All eyes went turned to find a tall, muscular man with long, black dreads that almost reached the small of his back. Power exuded from his very being, and his status was on display with his figure adorned in a fur jacket, revealing a dark, toned chest, and leather boots. Gold and silver chains hung around his neck, a flash of opulence. He didn’t have the physique Beau did, but his presence was enough to freeze the inbred trio in their place.

He was flanked by who Rafe assumed to be siblings. A lean, brownish guy who was topless, showing off his barrel chest and bronze chains and bracelets. On the other side was a buff, black woman with frilly, rosé hair in a furry coat twice her size. Though, that did nothing to lessen her intimidation factor. Both of them stood like statues beside their alpha, blue eyes like cutting stone.

The long-haired man’s face was familiar, reminding Rafe of the Jarekid boy, Andre’s bully.

This must be Papa, then, he surmised.

Rafe and Beau watched as the three immediately bowed to the guy, and anyone who passed by briefly did the same with an eager greeting. Though, the man only had eyes for the two outsiders.

“Alpha Renkin!” the leader, Hemming, looked up at the chief wolf with fearful eyes.

“Nae now, Hemming,” the Scottish accent was strong in his voice, deep and guttural. “Gang back tae yer post.”

“But sir-”

“The alpha said to your post, watchdog!” the woman snarled at the gamma, baring white, sharp fangs.

“Get going. Now,” her brother doubled down, his blue eyes glowing menacingly.

That would have been enough to get anybody moving. Hell, if Rafe were anyone else, he would have high-tailed it out of there. Hemming’s two cronies seemed to be catching on to the ominous air, backing away from the scene. However, the message hadn’t quite seemed to hit their leader just yet.

“You’re just gonna let these foreigners on our land like it’s nothing!?” Hemming spat, his face flooding with crimson all over again. “You can’t-”

As expected, Renkin’s face darkened, but what accompanied that expression suddenly made Rafe shake in abrupt dread. It was as if he regressed into a child standing alone in the dark during a lightning storm. His heartbeat sped up as a low growl rumbled from the alpha’s chest. Passersby nearby blanched, whimpering as their heads hunkered down. While the siblings and Beau seemed unaffected, Hemming and his associates went white as sheets, the pale one appearing almost transparent. Their trembling was so bad that they were sent to their knees, sweating and panting in intensifying fear as if they were hiding from a horrifying monster.

“Ah dae nae mind asking for a response, shrew,” Renkin glowered at the gamma with lethal rage. “Git. Back. Tae. Yer. Post.”

Every word bent Hemming’s spine into submission. Realizing he was being dismissed, he bared his neck to the bigger man, his cronies doing the same, before shooting right up obediently.

“Y-Yes, A-Alpha! I sincerely a-apologize!”

The inbred trio sprinted off, sniveling with their tails tucked between their legs. Only then did the atmosphere return to normal. The civilians affected hurried away from the remaining five, most of them looking like they had just run a marathon. Rafe exhaled, the pressure finally gone, casting a bewildered gaze at his surroundings. When his eyes fell on Beau, he noticed the lycan’s slightly shaking fists. Peering over at the brother-sister duo, it was the same for them. They hid it well, but they weren’t as undisturbed as they seemed.

“The hell just happened?” Rafe hissed.

Beau turned to look over at him, his smirk shaky but amused. “A wave of murderous intent. I like to call it ‘killer heat.’”

It was accurate. The power to make someone feel like they were going to die just by staring at them? And painfully? Just how strong was this guy?

Renkin’s focus soon turned to Beau and Rafe, his scowl twitching into a welcoming smile. However, Rafe didn’t feel so warm at the sight of it. A smile did not belong on that hardened face.

“Ah apologize for mah subordinates' antagonizing ye, Kappa Watson,” the alpha nodded at Beau.


It wasn’t a position Rafe’s heard of before. All Beau told him was that he worked at another tribe as an official-slash-unofficial member. He took note to ask Andre about it later.

The lycan waved off the apology, reaching over to shake Renkin’s hand. “Don’t worry about it. They probably didn’t know I called earlier.” He nodded at the sibling duo. “Beta Kier. Beta Ronni.”

“Kappa Watson,” Kier, the male, nodded with a grin while his sister, Ronni, tipped her chin up.

“Ye did,” Renkin continued. “Whilk makes me worry that th' Radon Tribe is under some kind o' dilemma.”

“Not exactly, but there has been some kind of issue with the… ‘cargo.’”

Hearing that, Renkin and his betas’ ears jerked, alarm flickering over their faces for a split second before they tampered it down.

The alpha hummed tonelessly. “Ah see. Let's tak' this up in mah office, aye?” those dark eyes moved down to the superhuman boy by the lycan’s side. “Rafe Gold. Guid tae see that ye'r daein' well.”

Rafe blinked up at him, the prospect of being addressed directly unexpected. More than that, he didn’t know the alpha knew about him. Throughout the years of knowing Andre, the superhuman has never actually stepped foot into Graybite territory, which leaves out four years ago, so he’s never seen Renkin prior to this moment. He and his wolf friend always stayed on the outskirts, appreciating their alone time together.

“Uh, yeah. I guess,” Rafe rubbed the back of his neck in uncertainty.

“Andre's tellt me a lot aboot ye, 'n' a mukker o' yin of mah tribe is a mukker o' mines. He's in th' backwoods if yi'll want tae see him. Just heid straight doon fae 'ere. Na twists or turns.”

Of course, he would, Rafe thought in annoyance, pursing his lips to keep from muttering those words. He couldn’t completely blame Andre, though. He was friends with a human. A superhuman no less. Rafe figured the omé would be on some kind of werewolf watch list. However, contrary to what he’s been told, Renkin didn’t seem all that offended a human had stepped foot on his grounds. In fact, he sounded almost… fond when he mentioned Andre talking about Rafe to him. Maybe the alpha was starting to see the benefits of coexisting with mankind, and it was thanks to the omega.

“Can’t ever hide from the alpha, little human,” Ronni smirked at the exasperated expression on Rafe’s face.

Instead of asking what Andre told Renkin, Rafe didn’t bother wasting any more time standing around, nodding in gratitude before spinning around to walk away. Beau quickly leaned down and whispered into his ear, “I’ll see you in a bit, okay, imp?”

“What do you mean by cargo?” Rafe had to ask.

“Oh, just some underbelly shit, kid,” the lycan winked. “I’ll tell you about it when you’re older.”

The boy just shook his head and headed off. “Yeah, sure.”


The backwoods of Graybite, also known as the homes for the lower class. This place had no better politics than the ones he was used to back at the Coat. Cottages hung on colossal bristlecone pine trees, but these ones were small and rundown. Rafe was afraid one of them would topple completely into the murky waters below. As the boy walked along a narrow branch bridge, he snorted in disgust at the sight. He should have known this was how they treated their omegas. No wonder that Jarekid jerk was able to get away with harassing Andre for years.

“Now, where are you?” Rafe whispered as he inspected each wooden cottage closely, hoping to sense his best friend like he always did.

He didn’t have to look for long, for, as if summoned, Andre popped out of one of the derelict homes’ pane-less windows.

“Hey! Raf!” his omé friend hopped up and down excitedly from one of the highest houses. “Over here!”

“Coming!” Rafe called back.

He crossed the bridge until he was on the solid ground of the tree arm. The boy crouched low before promptly launching upward, the strength of his jump carrying him yards into the air until he was directly in front of Andre’s abode. The superhuman did several front flips, pushing him forward so he could land perfectly in front of his friend.

“Stuck the landing!” the omé cheered.

Rafe sat up and shrugged. “Had practice.”

Four years later and this place was far from succeeding in breaking his happy-go-lucky wolf friend. Andre didn’t change all that much. He was a few inches taller, and his hair was in the beginning stages of an afro, but that was pretty much it. Rafe still saw the babyface, and his sense of fashion remained at hoodies and sweat shorts.

“I knew I smelled something spicy,” Andre wrapped his arms around his human friend. “I would have run to you since you were staying stationary for so long.”

Rafe was about to pat the omé’s back but reared back in bafflement. “W-What? I smell… spicy?”

The brunette boy shrugged casually as if it wasn’t a big deal. And it might not be one in the werewolf world, but that didn’t make it any less off-putting to interlopers. “I may be an omé, but I like to think I have the best nose in Graybite. And you, my human friend, smell like incense and pepper. I love it.”

“You’re such a weirdo, Dre,” Rafe shook his head. “Also, you’ve been telling your alpha about me.”

It was a statement that Andre didn’t shy away from. “Mhm. Good things, though. I think Jarekid told him about you after you saved me that one time at the outskirts. Kind of had to say something or else I’d be listed for treason or whatever.”

“It’s fine as long as it keeps you alive. Beau and I just spoke to that guy. I can see why you had to.”

“Yeah. He’s scary sometimes, but he really does care about his people.”

Rafe blinked, then re-examined the environment around him. Yep. Still a ramshackle corpse of a neighborhood. “Does he?”

Andre nodded, quite oblivious to his surroundings. Or maybe he was just that grateful. “Of course, he does, Raf! He wouldn’t be talking to an omega like me if he didn’t, now would he?”

The blond wanted to argue so badly. Grab Andre by the shoulders and shake some sense into him that they weren’t being treated right. He should know. But his friend seemed glad enough. And he probably shouldn’t step in until that has changed.

“If you’re happy, then whatever.”

“Now, just who in the world is this, Coeur pur?”

The two spun around at the southern accented voice to find a short, old woman dressed in a gray long-sleeved wool dress standing and watching curiously from the window Andre jumped out of earlier.

Andre beamed instantly and waved. “Oh!? Hey, Jan! Hold up!” he turned back to address Rafe while they sauntered to the cottage. “I need to introduce you to a few people.”


“Other friends of mine. They’re omegas just like me. And they don’t have parents. Well, except for Jan. The omega part, not the parent part.”

Rafe lifted a hand to stop Andre. “Okay. Slow down there, dude, ‘cause I didn’t get most of that.”

The woman, Jan, chuckled as she came around and playfully poked the omé’s lips. “That’s just like him, our lil’ Andre. Words are way too big for that yapper of his.”

Andre’s cheeks went pink as they stepped inside the house. Rafe was met with nine other pairs of eyes, all belonging to kids younger-looking than him. Some were running around the house, giggling and yelling, while others sat around and played with their toys. The interior didn’t look so bad compared to the outside. A strangely working television here and a dining room table there, along with a set of stairs that led up to the bedrooms. However, with this number of occupants living here at once, it must have felt cramped as hell. Rafe had the sudden urge to go spit in the alpha’s face.

Care about his people, my ass.

“Hi, youngin’. My name’s Jan Lulupa,” the old woman shook the blond’s hand. “I’m a delta caretaker for the omega orphans here. And you must be Rafe Gold, right? Andre’s been yammerin’ on ‘bout you to us for ages. I’ve been waitin’ to see who’s captured lil’ Coeur pur’s heart.”

“You take care of the orphans… here?” That had to be a nightmare.

Jan nodded knowingly, brushing it off with a short laugh. “I know. Not the best place to be raisin’ a bunch of rascals in these conditions, but it’s the best we can do with the limited money we’re provided.”

“That’s… just not fair.”

Rafe felt a poke on his knee and faced down to see one of the kids, a tiny sandy-haired boy with a scowl that looked more like a pout, glaring up at him.

“Hey, guy! You don’t smell like a pup. You a spy?”

While Andre coughed out a laugh, Rafe pursed his lips. Not because he was irritated, but because he didn’t want to let a snicker out either. It was as if he was staring into a mirror. The attitude and hands-on-hips posture screamed six-year-old Rafe Gold.

“Caster, don’t be rude,” chastised Jan, nudging the child out of their way. “Andre and Rafe have been friends for a very long time. Right, Coeur pur?”

“Yup!” Andre put an arm around Rafe's shoulders. “Since we were seven. It’s almost our sixth anniversary.”

“You guys are mated?” a dark-skinned little girl looked between the two in innocent surprise.

At that, the superhuman blanched. He didn’t know the whole details surrounding the whole ‘mating’ thing that was a part of werewolf culture, but Andre once said that it was something akin to human marriage.


“At this point, we might as well be,” Andre chortled, squeezing his friend tighter.

Rafe couldn’t stop his face from flushing, staring at the omé in incredulity and exasperation. “Dre!”

The cottage lit up with laughter at the blond teen’s reaction, some of the kids making kissing faces at the two boys and singing about smooching in a tree. Rafe crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, moving out of Andre’s embrace as the latter went on sniggering. A moment later, and he couldn’t help but let out a huff of amusement as well. These kinds of instances didn’t occur often for him, and it was something he wanted to hold onto whenever he eventually had to go back to the Coat for good.

“Well,” Jan wiped a tear from her eye, having laughed so hard, “let me whip up a dish of somethin’ nice for our guest, and then you guys can go do whatever you guys do.”


While they waited for Jan to cook up lunch, Andre led Rafe upstairs to the bedroom at the end of the small hallway. Two sets of bunk beds sat at each side of the room, which was littered with dolls, action figures, and crayons. With nine children in one place and three bedrooms, it was only natural they shared. The two teens sat on the bottom bunk of the set farthest from the door, which muffled the sounds of squealing and laughing on the other side.

Andre suddenly looked sheepish as he turned his gaze down to the floor. “You… You’re not mad, are you, Raf?”

“Why would I be mad?” Rafe’s brows lifted in puzzlement.

“I’ve never talked about these guys even though we’ve been friends for a while. I don’t want you to think that I don’t trust you or anything, or that I’m-”

The superhuman softly shoved his wolf friend’s shoulder, cutting him off. “You worry too much, Dre. I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me. I get it. People over here don’t really think much of humans, and you’ve had to live how they wanted you to.”

“Well, I mean, the higher-ups do deal with a lot,” the omega smiled unconvincingly. “Tribe politics and all that jazz.”

Rafe had to lean back on the bed and cover his eyes with his hand, exhaling an annoyed breath. “God, you defending them is making this much harder.”

Andre blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Andre,” the human sat right up, his silver eyes staring into the omé’s deep brown ones. “Can you honestly say that they treat you right here?”

“Uh, well-”

“Don’t lie,” Rafe gave him a pointed look.

“I wasn’t…”

Those silver eyes narrowed.

Andre sighed and turned away. “Okay. Things could be better, but-”

“Fuck it. I’m going to school.”

It was quiet for a minute as the omega gaped in shock. “Y-You’re… going to… school? Uh, congrats?”

Rafe shook his head. “I mean, I’m going to some kind of academy. Like a boarding school of some sort. Have you ever heard of Ironward?”

“Not really, but I think I’ve heard of that name before. So, you’re leaving for this school? For… a while?”

“If I go there, the Coat won’t be able to touch me. Can you believe that? A school where I won’t have to be forced to go back home for a long time.”

Andre’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “Woah! Seriously!? They can’t, like, go in there and pull you out by your ear?”

Rafe nodded, a hopeful look on his face. “That’s what Beau says.”

Hands found his shoulders, Andre beaming so close to his face that he could see dimples form. “Then you should definitely go, dude! You can spend all your time there training just like you want.”

“What about you?”

The omé’s smile faded into a heart-rendering grimace. “Well, I’m kind of sad that you’re going away. Actually, I’m… really sad. And I’ll miss you. But I’m also happy because you’re finally getting away from them.”

“Come with me.”


Rafe grabbed Andre’s hands and held the pair between them. “I know you’re going to refuse, but just think about it for a second, okay? We’ve been teaching each other things over the years because they won’t give you normal schooling because of your omega status. I know for a fact that you’ve always wanted to go.”

At first, the prospect used to confuse Rafe. Why would anybody want to subject themselves to seven hours of the same droning on about the same subject five days a week? However, over time, the superhuman realized that his only friend wasn’t growing up with privileges that should have been granted to him regardless. Where others would groan at the sight of a textbook, Andre would perk up in eagerness at the thought of learning about the world outside of the one he was confined to.

“Of course, I do, but-”

“I want to go, but I want you to go with me!” Rafe felt a hint of revulsion at himself for the plea in his voice, but he squashed it down. This was his best friend, and it was his last resort to stay by each other’s side. “I just… It could be a great opportunity for you. For us.”

The indecision was warring on Andre’s face, so the blond pushed harder.

“You don’t wanna leave these guys, I know, but you’ve gotta think about yourself sometimes.”

The brunette teen winced. You’re losing him.

“That came out wrong,” Rafe shook his head and placed his hands on the omega’s shoulders this time, squeezing gently, wishing it would coax him into agreeing. “You have to think about… what’s best for you. Tell me I’m wrong.”

Andre always thought of others first. So considerate. However, most of the time, Rafe thought he was a little too thoughtful for his own good. It wasn’t often the omé did something for himself.

A minute of silence when by as Rafe and Andre watched each other. The former subtly crossed his fingers, stomach filled with led when the latter finally broke the quiet.

“You’re right. I do want to go. I’ll get to go to a school where I’ll have all the chances I didn’t get here and being an omé won’t mean much over there.”

Rafe should’ve felt relieved, but that tone led to anything but the answer he wanted to hear. He let go of Andre and sagged, glaring at the window at the end of the room.

“But…?” he groaned.

Andre smiled sadly. “But these guys, Raf. I-I… I can’t leave them. What if… What if one of the higher-up wolves notice I’m gone and… and…”

The superhuman promptly sprung up from the bed with an indignant expression. “They won’t even think of touching them! I’ll kick every ass here until they get the point!”

“And start another human-wolf war?” the omé joked, then shook his head. “I can’t put that burden on you, man. I’m sorry. You should focus on your studies there instead of worrying about us here.”

Rafe should have known it would turn out this way. His wolf friend could be so stubborn when he wanted to. He couldn’t give up now, though. Somehow, someway, Andre needed to go with him. Alpha Renkin had already found out about him, and it was still unclear whether he had a secret grudge against humans or not, playing up a front of sociability. If so, letting the Coat know that Rafe was in lupine hands might somehow bring attention to Andre. If the Coat found out about him…

No. Not going to happen.

“Dre, I-”

The door suddenly swung open, and Jan sauntered in with a determined glare directed at the omé. “Coeur pur! That better not be an opportunity to ditch this dumpster goin’ to waste I’m hearin’!”

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    “Inbred…?” Andre’s brows raised in puzzlement, but then lowered in recognition when he saw the approaching trio. “Oh, you mean Axel.”Rafe gave the omé a stern look. “Don’t tell me he harasses you, too?”“No. Well, um, if passing comments don’t count.”Silver eyes narrowed further. “And?”Andre’s shoulders sagged, suddenly exhausted. “A slap or shove here or there.”Rafe had an inkling his friend was treated worse than he was letting on. It was like these groups of egotistical assholes designated him as the tribe punching bag. Somehow, the superhuman was going to have to teach the omega how to throw a punch. But for now, Rafe turned to the three incoming gammas, pounding his fist into his palm.“Looks like we’re ordering takeout on the way.”“Maybe we should just-”“I knew it!” Axel glowered at Rafe. “I knew you weren’t just any random monkey!”The human rolled his eyes, fed up with the accusations the idiot seemed to pull out of his ass. “The hell are you going on about now?”Instea

  • Canaan Club (Progenies of Ironward #1)   Chapter 5

    2 Months LaterThey had gone to Spain, and it was a nice trip despite it being impromptu. Though, it became less about Graybite and more about the change in scenery. Hopefully, the alpha wouldn’t have to quiz Andre on tribe facts when he eventually returned. He, Rafe, Beau, and his mate, Toby, were currently residing in a visitor’s cabin in the Serpente Woodlands, home of the Radon Tribe and where Beau made his transition into lupinehood. And the omé could not ignore the differences.It might have been because the Radon Tribe wasn’t a part of the Majestic Moon Monarchy. All that elitism and superiority complex slowly dissipated the farther they moved out of the inner circle. Of course, every village had its resident jerk. Maybe even several of them. However, so far, omegas had far more respect down here. During their time spent there, Beau’s job requiring him and his mate to dwell near the tribe, Andre’s met other omés, some of them even with a mate of their own. Alpha-omega pairings

  • Canaan Club (Progenies of Ironward #1)   Chapter 6

    Another week elapsed before their scheduled orientation day arrived.“Rise and shine, boyos! It’s school time!”Both Rafe and Andre shot right up beside each other as the bed they both slept in next to each other jostled and swayed, their heads nearly colliding with one another.“Hey!” Rafe barked at Beau, who stood at the end with a smug grin on his bearded face. His large hands didn’t even look like they were moving as they lay atop the mattress to make it tremble.Andre blew out a tired breath, eyes half-lidded as his leg bent back until his foot reached his head, his toes subconsciously scratching at his tousled, brown hair.“Come on! Get those asses up ‘cause it’s orientation day!” the lycan rattled the bed again.Rafe grabbed the pillow under him and tossed it at the older male. There was a slight whistling sound before it slapped Beau in the face, and the thing burst into tiny patches of stuffing. When it hunkered down to the floor, the lycan was still smiling playfully.“Alrig

  • Canaan Club (Progenies of Ironward #1)   Chapter 7

    Andre moved fast.Rafe was shocked into immobility, Beau had been busy guarding Toby, and Mr. Gylarcan didn’t bother to lift a finger, but the young wolf was able to recognize the alarm on Bones’ face. His legs acted on their own, quickly leaping for the boy they met only a couple of minutes ago. With his focus on the ball of snarls and gnashing teeth hurtling toward him, the latter didn’t see the omé slide in next to him with untapped speed, latch hands under his arms, and zip out of the way.There was a large crash as wood, metal, and porcelain exploded everywhere. Andre felt himself and Bones blown back a little, a miniature shockwave resounding throughout the diner. The two shapes had uncurled from each other a bit, and the sight of a hulking mass of furry muscle and lethal, shark-like teeth slashing repeatedly across the thick arms of a red-eyed, cyan-bodied, and winged monstrosity.That familiar musky whiff that Andre sniffed in immediately told him what the one on the offense w

  • Canaan Club (Progenies of Ironward #1)   Chapter 8

    “Goddammit!”Andre pinched his lips to contain his giggle as he watched Rafe squint angrily at the bark of a tree.“Who was that?” Caster’s voice piped up from the cellphone speaker.“Sorry. That was Rafe. He’s just doing some pre-dinner workout.”Which he had been doing for the last three hours. Andre had woken up from a dreamless nap to ireful growling. At first, he panicked that it was a Graybite wolf who had come to collect on behalf of Renkin, who had changed his mind. It was a relief and quite humorous to find his only friend having an intense staring contest with a camphor tree on the outside of a wooded area that sat in the corner of Outville Piers. He decided to stay and be the great cheerleader he promised to be.A few days after the visit to Ironward, Toby had hooked them both up with phones for leisure calls and emergencies that required attention outside of the academy. Andre was eternally grateful that Beau’s mate somehow got to connect with Jan and the others back home

  • Canaan Club (Progenies of Ironward #1)   Chapter 9

    Next week arrived all too soon, and the first day of Ironward came upon them.Luckily for the boys, Beau and Toby had already got to packing their stuff in suitcases, spending the rest of the time either getting cleaned and dressed or trying to stay awake. While the latter rang true for Andre, Rafe was wide awake, sitting at the edge of his bed and blankly watching Beau and Toby move around their room, examining it for any materials that might be useful to take, as Andre was perched next to him and rubbing repeatedly at his eyes.“Looks like we got all the basics,” Beau clapped his hands together. “Ironward should have some things if you’re missing any, or you could just steal it from someone else.”Toby shook his head, wiping sweat from his brow. “He’s kidding, by the way.”Andre released a tired laugh, his swaying head gently hitting Rafe’s stiff shoulder. The blond remained still and unfazed as if he hadn’t been listening.“Thank you, sirs!” the omé stumbled off the bed and headed

  • Canaan Club (Progenies of Ironward #1)   Chapter 10

    It was as if they stepped into a royal court or something.The auditorium, specifically known as the Palace of Thorns, was a couple of miles long and deep in pink and gold. There were rows and rows of tufted chairs on the ground floor and half as many on the three balconies that hovered above like clouds. The place was filling up, but not even the new students and their families could make today a full house.Beau hurried their group along into the upper levels, eager to get a place on the middle balcony. They were able to make it to the front row with the help of the lycan’s insistent shoving.“Best seats in the house,” he winked as he sat in between Toby and Andre, while Rafe settled between the omé and Joe.It wasn’t long before the auditorium when dark, the stage still pitched in light. Odd thing was that there wasn’t anybody on stage at the moment. All eyes were cast on a barren platform and a red, bedazzled curtain. The proscenium arch had what looked to be Egyptian hieroglyphs

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  • Chapter 47

    News truly did become old quite fast in Ironward.The next afternoon, the main building cafeteria was bustling with activity, but, according to Andre’s ears, hearsay of the burning of the first-year dormitories was apparently a thing of the past. More interesting rumors have made their way to the forefront.Now, Rafe, Andre, Joe, Daeran, and Frodd were seated around each other, attempting to shape the coming days of the fight up ahead.“No.”The redheaded barbarian pouted at the blond superhuman. “Come on, lad!”“I dunno,” Joe chuckled as he chewed on his meal – something called moonberry waffles. “Sounds pretty cool. Strength in numbers and all that, right?”Rafe rolled his eyes as he responded to Frodd’s whining. “Dude, I barely know anyone not sitting at this table right now. I don’t think making a big speech about ‘tearing down the status quo’ just a month into starting our first year here is gonna pan out.”“Plus, those guys showed that they were willing to stoop to…” Andre swall

  • Chapter 46

    Tiny, black ants crept ever so slowly across her arms and back. That was the best way to describe the current state of Lindsay Warlane’s nerves as she anxiously maneuvered through the large space of Ironward Academy’s main building. Seriously, who could find anything in this place? Not only was she a dainty, little thirteen-year-old freshman, but she was surrounded by older, mean-looking upperclassmen who paraded around in massive groups, obviously knowing the ins and outs of the place and were probably internally laughing that the first-years getting lost like lambs.Lindsay sighed and brushed her blue hair back, trying to calm herself in some way. It had been cool in elementary school, using magic to dye it indigo because she loved the beach as a kid, hoping to reflect its waves in her style, but now there were girls with snakes for hair – the gorgons – and others that could literally shift into gorgeous-looking animals. She wondered if there were any liger-“You lost?”Despite the

  • Chapter 45

    “Seriously, guys,” Andre spoke as they walked back on familiar campus grounds after being teleported near the Diner by Rexel’s WardNav. “I can’t thank you enough for the save.”His eyes rested on Bones the longest, which the brooding boy noticed.He scoffed quietly. “Once is enough.”Andre’s smile didn’t waver a single inch. “I don’t know much about you, but I know you wouldn’t go out of your way for no reason. So, thanks again.”It made the dark-haired first-year stop short for a millisecond, his expression shifting with surprise before he hid it with another huff. “Again, I was there at the Diner when I saw you get kidnapped and figured I’d… ‘pay off a debt’?”“Oh, yeah!” Joe perked up. “Rafe told me about how Andre saved you from getting crushed during their orientation.”Bones’ lips pursed in growing indignance, although, a slight blush tinted his cheeks. “And now we’re even. I’m minding my own business from now on.”Rudy chuckled as he saddled up to the young engineer, giving him

  • Chapter 44

    “So, is this a sleepover party, or…?” Blond Fohawk, who Andre learned was named ‘Niall’ while being dragged to a whole other island, drawled, slouched against the red velvet couch across from the young wolf.Yeah. Fortunately for Andre, he knew he was still in the Ash Lands, but unfortunately, they were far from the Ironward campus. Its familiar scent of sand and rosé forestry gradually lessened in potency as he was smuggled blindfolded across a quarter of the archipelago.Now, he found himself tied up with anti-magical binds­, as Caid called it, in an admittedly comfortable wing chair, eyes anxiously flitting between the three vampires and the fancy living room he was in. Honestly, he wasn’t expecting anything less. It was impressive how vain vampires could be.“What do you mean ‘sleepover’?” Caid balked. “This is the bait-and-kill­ method I told you about. The puppy’s friends will eventually notice he’s gone and’ll come running. Then, the moment they find him, we’ll leap from the sh

  • Chapter 43

    “Pardon the interruption, students. Froddgenskaenn, please report to the administration’s office immediately. Froddgenskaenn, please report to the administration’s office immediately. Thank you.”The announcements went off the second Rafe, Andre, Joe, and Daeran walked into the Crystal Grotto for homeroom. As the four made their way toward the front, Frodd trudged nervously in the opposite direction. In those few seconds, a myriad of emotions passed through each of their faces. Rafe glared, Andre gazed back sorrowfully, Joe looked knowing, and Daeran stared blankly. Frodd’s face cringed, glints of shame in his eyes before he sped-walked out of the cave.All the while, the rest of the first-years were oblivious to the brief spike in tension, merrily chatting the minutes down until the start of their first class.As they went to sit down in the first row, Rafe pivoted toward Daeran. “Hey, man. You have a handle over that invisibility move, right?”The brunette blinked in surprise. “Y-Ye

  • Chapter 42

    A wet, lukewarm sensation on his face greeted Rafe as his eyes struggled to open. Though, instead of the sizzling agony he’d expected to wake up to, it was cool and admittedly pleasant.It didn’t mean he was any less freaked out because when his vision unblurred, the sight of a large, furry, whiskered face with small, beady, and unblinking eyes amid a black mask welcomed him. Its arm, long, mechanical, and definitely looking like it shouldn’t be attached to it moved up and down as it wiped his face down with a wet cloth.Whatever the substance was, it wasn’t water, but it was soothing.“I’ve had strange nightmares before, but this certainly is new,” he muttered to himself, laying still on what he realized was a maroon bean bag. “This place is fucking with my head.”“You don’t say?”That made him wince. Suppressing a gasp, he turned his head to the left to find Bones sitting some feet away, tinkering with a couple of metal parts and tools at his desk near the window.“Y-You? But what h

  • Chapter 41

    Rafe was brought out from the dark a second later, Coach Sigil’s horn glowing pink at the tip. Memories of moments before were in a fog in his mind, but as he began to adjust to his newly-healed state, it quickly cleared, a play-by-play of his battle with Dylan happening within seconds.He won, and Joe was the first to enunciate his praises, stepping into Rafe’s line of sight on the ground.“Dude! Talk about a damn meteorite!” he helped the blond into a sitting position. “I thought you were gonna blow the whole colosseum apart with that move!”“Caved in a whole crater and everything. As evident…” Landon thumbed over to the now-ruined stage.Or rather, the hollow cavern that replaced it. Clouds of dust hovered while thin trails of exhaust curled into the atmosphere. There was a feeling to the heat in the area that if his eyes weren’t open, he would swear he was being hugged by a warm body.“Damn,” was the first thing that came out of his mouth. “It wasn’t just me, though. I had a littl

  • Chapter 40

    Rafe swaggered toward the stage, making sure every step was poised and loud with assurance.Ahead of him was a mask of coolness, an icy tint in those emerald eyes. He didn’t know what the problem was, but something told him it was personal.Very personal.“The missing prodigal son,” Dylan spoke blandly as they now stood before each other.Rafe snorted. “You’re gonna get all chatty with me of all people?”“I have a bone to pick with you, yes.”He knew it.“Really?” he gave her a once-over. “I barely know you, but if last more than thirty seconds, I’ll let you break a few.”The Apollo responded with narrowed eyes.“Begin!”Not a breath was wasted.Dylan gestured at Rafe with a finger gun, giving the latter the signal to simply tilt his head to the right and avoid a thin ray of light. The projectile exploded in brilliant fashion behind him, the heat caressing his back like warm hands.He grinned prior to zipping away, narrowly dodging several more beams.Rafe sprinted, ducked, and rolled

  • Chapter 39

    Rafe and Vultros stood stock-still before each other, one eyeing the other for any movement despite the match having yet to commence.“So,” the griffin started, beady eyes looking his opponent up and down, “you are the one that has been fraying the nerves of my teammates. I can see you hold yourself well.”Rafe snorted. “Don’t think that buttering me up will get me to go easy on you. This is gonna hurt. A lot.”“I don’t disagree. But our leader was fussing quite a bit, so I expect you to have some semblance of pain tolerance before then.”It wasn’t difficult to see that he was talking about Dylan Hallace. The blond’s peaked from the corner of his eye to spot said “leader.” Tall, arms crossed, and an annoyed pinch in her expression probably to mask her uneasiness. Maybe his teammates were on to something.He’s met many Apollo superhumans during his time at the Coat, but the name “Hallace” has never come up, which meant that they must have not been important. If they were, he would defi

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