
Francis drove carelessly through the dark roads without care of both himself or the night dwellers. Marcelo's assistant had just phoned him minutes ago saying that his master needed help, and he would do anything to help Marcelo including laying down his life. Marcelo had saved him from the curse of one of his deceased patients after he had failed a surgery, and since then he had followed in the man's footsteps offering him every help he could. He owed the man his life, and would easily lay it down for him.

He was just about to call the man almost the same time that Sebastian called. Something weird had happened at the hospital and he guessed the only person that could explain such unnatural phenomenon was Marcelo. It was just for a minute, but it was completely odd and unusual. Hundreds of patients whom had been confirmed dead, had suddenly regained consiousness for just a minute, and those who had been considered lost at the moment had miraculously returned back to life.

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