Changing My Life with the Otherworld Exchange System
Changing My Life with the Otherworld Exchange System
Author: Architekt
No Money, More Problems (Part 1)

"C'mon Ethan, let's go. It's been an hour already, and it's not like she's going anywhere." Mei huffed as she glanced up from scrolling on her phone.

"Give me five more minutes, Mei. It's her birthday."

Mei Ling pouted as the machines keeping Mrs Li, Ethan's mother, alive beeped rhythmically in the deathly silent ward. Her eyes wandered to the muted TV showing an interview with an up-and-coming esper.

She gazed dreamily at the young man who had the qualifications to work as a "hero" in the Otherworld. Mei silently wondered what her life would be like if she had landed a capable man like him instead of Ethan. 

A grin appeared on her delicate face as she imagined the wealth and status at her disposal in that situation.

"I'd even be able to visit the Otherworld with him by my side."

"Did you say something?" Ethan turned his head to look at her. The dark bags under his eyes made him look a few years older than he was.

"It's nothing, dear." Mei sighed as she returned to swiping different profiles on Furnace.

Ethan frowned as he glared at her rapid swiping. He wasn't stupid, despite what Mei thought of him. 'I've really been absent these past months. She's still here, so maybe our relationship can be saved.'

Ever since his mother fell ill, he had to drop his business studies and pick up part-time jobs to cover her medical bills. Now, he was only ever at home to sleep.

He knew Mei was pissed that he was bringing in so much money to throw it away on his mother instead of treating her to nice things. Ethan could barely find the strength to blame her.

They were at a point in their lives where their friends had graduated and were working in good jobs. Mei couldn't stand watching them enjoying their lives and planning their futures while her own seemed to be going downhill.

Ethan pushed those thoughts from his mind and held his mother's cold, limp hand. 'You'll get better soon, Mom. Don't worry. I'll make sure you get the care you need.'

A long sigh escaped Ethan's lips as Mei's phone rapidly dinged with several notifications. 'Can't she show even a little respect?'

"Oh my God!" Mei squealed in excitement, drawing disapproving glares from the visitors at the other beds. "I can't believe it!"

"Can't believe what?" 

Ethan's tone was ice-cold as he turned to glare at her again. However, he froze when he saw the pure joy radiating from her. A sinking feeling appeared in his gut as he watched her rapidly tap out a message on her phone.

"What's going on, Mei?" 

"You can go home on your own, Ethan. I'm done. I'll send my father to pick up my things from the apartment."

Mei chuckled innocently as she practically skipped out of the ward, glued to her phone the whole time. Ethan couldn't help but stare after her in shock as her hair danced through the doorway behind her.

"What the hell was that?"

It took him a few moments for her words to truly sink in. She had just ended their relationship for good at the bedside of his ill mother, who was barely clinging to life!

His rage bubbled and boiled deep in his heart as he hung his head to avoid the sympathetic stares of the other visitors. 'How could she shame me like this? Couldn't she have waited till we were home?'

Ethan groaned as he rubbed his face with his rough hands. His body trembled while he buried his emotions. After all, it wouldn't do to cause a scene in the hospital.

"Happy Birthday, Mom. Sorry, but I've got to go now."

He clenched his jaw as he said goodbye to the nurses, who snickered and giggled behind his back. 'Damn that woman!'

The taxi ride home was no better. The rain obscured the city lights against the night sky, which usually gave him a feeling of peace on a calm night. Ethan felt more lost and alone than ever.

His thoughts took a dark turn as he imagined many different ways to put an end to his problems. 'No, I'm stronger than this.'

"That'll be twenty-one credits." 

"Huh? Oh, sure." Ethan said as he scanned his phone over the reader.

A moment later, he received a notification from his bank letting him know the transfer was successful.

"Thanks. Have a good night."

"You too."

Ethan squinted against the rain as he opened the cab door and stepped out. With deliberately slow movements, he pulled his black hood up. The taxi pulled away, leaving him standing there in the rain.

He stayed like that for several minutes, alone with his thoughts, before he finally walked into the building. His trainers squeaked against the stairs as he climbed several flights and made his way to his apartment.

'It's quiet.' 

Usually, he would hear the TV or music playing from inside whenever he arrived home. Not this time.

Only darkness and silence greeted him as the door swung open under his guidance. 'Mei has been home.'

Mei's favorite perfume lingered in the hall. It was still fresh, but Ethan didn't find comfort in it. He knew it was the perfume she only wore when he was going to get "lucky."

Since she was wearing it and wasn't coming home, it didn't take a genius to figure out her plans for the night.

Ethan roared like a wounded animal as he slammed the door shut behind him. Within a few minutes, every photo frame containing a picture of her lay smashed on the floor.

Something broke within him at that moment as he clenched his bloody fist. His mind shattered and swirled like a black hole. Ethan's brain felt like it was pulsing in his skull as his head grew hot.

Sweat dripped from his brow while the heat rumbled back and forth before gathering just behind his forehead. In the next moment, a silent burst of invisible energy lashed out like a wave from his mind.

The neighbors who were still awake suddenly fell unconscious as Ethan's eyes rolled back into his head. With a loud thud, his body hit the ground.

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