Work Smarter, Not Harder (Part 2)

The next day, Ethan returned to the desolate lands just beyond the city. The sun barely pierced the thick clouds overhead. He unconsciously tapped the pouches of Blightbane Pellets on his belt, feeling more confident in his plan.

'What the hell is that?' As he neared the area, he noticed movement in the distance. A small group of adventurers trudged through the dead terrain, their weapons at the ready. From their worn gear and slow steps, it was clear they weren't seasoned veterans. 'What are they doing out here?'

Ethan approached cautiously, not wanting to startle them. The group noticed him as he drew closer. One of them, a tall man with a patchy beard and a nervous smile, raised a hand in greeting.

"Hey there, stranger!" the man called out. "Are you here for the Blight, too?"

Ethan nodded. "Yeah. I've been working on clearing them out. The situation's better than it was a few days ago."

"Figures," the man grumbled, glancing around at the withered land. "We were sent by the Adventurer's Guild to investigate. They've been getting worried about the Blight spreading."

One of the group, a young woman with bright eyes and auburn hair tied back in a messy ponytail, stepped forward. She shot Ethan a warm smile, making his guard drop just a little. She had an air about her. The kind of thing that could put you at ease. However, despite the group looking like they were still new to this work, this woman moved with a strange, clumsy grace. 

"I'm Layla," she said, extending her hand. "We're happy to help if you want, though it looks like you've already done most of the work. You must be pretty strong."

Ethan shook her hand, noting how soft it felt despite the calluses on her palms. "I'm Ethan. And, well, it's more thanks to an item I bought. These Blight creatures multiply too quickly for me to take them down with my weapon."

Layla laughed, a light, almost musical sound that seemed a bit too perfect. "It's a good thing you're smart, then. It'd take us forever to clear them out with the usual methods."

The rest of the group, two men and another woman, nodded in agreement. Though they seemed more relieved than confident. 'This is bad. Will it affect my mission rating if these guys help out? Though, it'd be faster with the extra help. Even if they just clear any stragglers.' Ethan frowned as an idea formed in his mind.

"I've cleared out a lot of the Blight already," Ethan said, his tone thoughtful. "But there are still more, and the job's not finished. I was thinking... Since I've done most of the work, how about I take full credit for this mission? If you want to help, then how about you deal with any Blight who have wandered off on their own? I'll give you something pretty valuable if you can accept these conditions."

The adventurers exchanged glances, clearly intrigued. Ethan reached into his pouch and pulled out one of the healing potions he had brought from the Otherworld Free Market. The liquid inside shimmered faintly, a sign of its potency.

"That... That's a real healing potion?" one of the men stammered. "Those are worth a fortune!"

Ethan nodded. "I'm told this is high-quality stuff. I'm guessing it's probably worth more than your Guild's reward by your reaction, right? It's yours if you help and don't claim any credit for clearing the Blight."

The adventurers huddled together, whispering for a few minutes. Then Layla glanced back at Ethan, her eyes shining with interest. 

"It's a deal," she said with a grin. "Honestly, we'd rather not waste our time out here any more than necessary. If you've got a plan to finish off the Blight, we're happy to step aside and deal with the smaller groups."

Ethan handed over the potion, feeling a slight pang of loss. He only had one left now, but it was worth it to ensure he gained the respect he deserved for this mission. "Thanks. I can deal with this pretty well on my own, but it'd be nice knowing you guys are close in case I need backup."

Layla lingered for a moment as the adventurers made their move. "If you ever need help again, Ethan, don't hesitate to ask. I'm sure we could make a good team."

Ethan smiled, feeling flattered by her attention. "I'll keep that in mind."

With that, Layla joined the others, and Ethan focused on the task at hand. He moved through the corrupted land, carefully tossing the Blightbane Pellets in strategic locations. The creatures, drawn by the magic within the pellets, swarmed towards them, and one by one, they fell, melting into foul sludge.

Despite his progress, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He glanced over his shoulder, but the adventurers were a fair distance away, chatting quietly while slaying Blights. Layla caught his eye and waved. Of course, he waved back, forcing a smile.

But as he turned away, something kept nagging at the back of his mind. 'Why do I feel like this?' It was an uneasy tension, and Ethan couldn't pinpoint the source. He silently wondered if there was someone, or something, else out there with them.

Ethan shook his head, trying to regain his focus. He couldn't afford to get distracted now. As he continued working, clearing out the Blight. The hours passed, and they made significant progress. Yet, occasionally, he noticed small things out of place. A few pellets had rolled slightly further than they should have, or a Blight approaching from a direction he hadn't expected. Minor issues for sure, but they added up, slowing him down.

Finally, as the sun began to set, Ethan called it a day. Together, they had cleared a huge amount of the Blights, but the mission wasn't over yet. 'I'll need to come back tomorrow to finish the job.' He sighed as he noticed Layla watching him again, her expression unreadable.

"You did good today," she said, her voice soft. "We'll come back tomorrow to help you finish up."

"That'd be great, thanks," Ethan replied, his tone weary from the day's work. He gave her a nod and started back towards the city.

Behind him, Layla's warm smile faded as she rejoined her group. Her eyes flicked towards the remaining Blight with a calculated coldness. "He should be finished with the mission tomorrow at this rate."

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