Chris Bolton bolted up in the hammock and stared at the headline which had popped up on his notification bar few seconds ago. "Thomas Bolton: Back to Being Without an Heir?" What the hell was that about?? Had something happened to Richard?? He quickly tapped on the notification and was directed to the news site where he quickly ran his eye through the story. Shit. Richard had been shot and was apparently in critical condition because the bullet had barely missed his heart. That wasn't good at all. Yes, Richard had betrayed him but he didn't want him dead. Not satisfied with just reading the story, Chris got out of the hammock hurried into his room where he grabbed the remote controller and powered his TV then scrolled through the channels to find any news channel that was covering the story. He found one eventually and stood rooted to the spot and watched as Richard stepped out of the car, only to be shot straight in the chest few seconds later. As he watched, the Richard on screen cl
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