"I'm telling you ladies, something about this affair of Richard being shot definitely sets off warning alarms in my guts," Chris Bolton said as he slid of his stool at the kitchen counter in the Kitchen of the Bolton's Mansion where himself and the three ladies had agreed to meet up the next day. He walked up to the freezer and retrieved a bucket of ice-cream then he grabbed four spoons and headed back to his stool. He passed the spoons around and Rose and Sarah calmly accepted theirs but Monica declined taking hers with a wave of her right hand and a tight lipped smile. No one seemed to see it as odd though because the conversation went on smoothly.

"I don't know," Sarah said with her eyes squinted as if she was trying hard to focus on getting her thoughts together. "I do get what you mean about the shooting being off. I mean, anyone who watched the video could tell that, whoever the shooter was, they had most certainly not shot at Richard with killing him being their end game," she
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