Lost in the Forest

They have been walking for around an hour now and yet they could not find any sign of exit. The party began to feel tired.

“Sir Alex. Everyone is tired. Should we take a break?” Helene looked worried. She could feel Pandoran and the merfolks began to catch their breath.

“Just a little more. Resting in the forest and got lost might be a bad idea. We need to find the exit soon.” Alex demanded the team to keep walking more because as far as he could remember, there was a forest that could trap them for days. Alex’s memory was quiet blurry at that time but one thing for sure that when he decided to take a rest in a certain forest, on the next day they were trapped for more than one day.

The others nodded in agreement because they believed in Alex’s decision. So, they tried their best to continue walking while following the hero.

More minutes have passed and they were still wandering around the foggy forest. Not only Pandora and the merfolks, the other coul
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