
“Cheers!” yelled the villagers as their wooden mugs clashed. Laughters were heard all around. The vibrant vibes were beautified by a full moon, too. Truly a night worth celebrating. Nobody would have thought that this cheerful village was once about to be ravaged by otherworldly beings before.

It was quite a feast they’re having. For this special occasion, simple yet appetizing dishes were served, complemented by homemade beers and wines. Everybody was enjoying this festival which was held to celebrate their victory over the demon horde.

“Sir Hero, we apologize for this plain hospitality,” said the village chief to Alex. “Though it may not be much, but we do hope that you at least found our sincerity through our offerings.”

“Old man, are you kidding me? This is the best meal I’ve eaten in a while!” praised Alex after gulping an entire bowl of onion soup. “The last time I was about to eat lavishly like this, those damned demons had to come and interrupted my dinner!”

Helene who sat beside Alex giggled.

“Sir Hero, I have no idea that you are the type of people who hold grudges,” teased Helene, hitting Alex’s arm lightly. The hero was about to make a romantic move to her too, as a response before the village chief continued his remark, interrupting the love in the air.

“What you’ve done to us these past days have helped us to open our eyes and realize our potential!” uttered the chief passionately. “From now on, witness our pledge to always stand up for our own. No longer will we be the prisoner of circumstances!”

The chief’s speech successfully lifted the whole mood even higher. Cheers and chants went louder and louder, as if agreeing to what their leader just said. Seeing all that, Alex was happy but somehow he was a little bit worried. Drunk on alcohol is one thing, but drunk with confidence would lead to fatal consequences. Soon, they would overestimate their ability, forgetting their small number and inexperience.

Tristan was no psychic, but he was good in reading expression. Alex’s concerned look wasn’t any different. Tristan managed to translate Alex’s anxious face and attempted to relieve Alex’s emotional burden.

“Sir Alex, rest assured that we will support them as much as we can. We will continue training them as well as training ourselves,” expressed Tristan with convincing gaze. “Worry not for we shall keep your legacy ablaze!”

This time it was the royal troops who went wild. They clapped their hands in response to their general’s motivational remark. Some were so touched tears started to well in their eyes.

“But Sir Commander, don’t you have to go back to the palace?” asked Helene, trying to bring back Tristan to his senses. “I don’t think the king would be very pleased to have you away from him.”

“I calculated that as well, missy. That’s the reason why I will station few of my men here. They will alert me if anything amiss occurs,” argued Tristan. “When that time comes, for sure I will bring the main troops to back them up.”

Delighted by Tristan’s plan, Alex was grateful that slight change had gradually started to develop. In his past, Alex was surrounded by soldiers who appeared more like the king’s lapdogs, instead of functioning ideally as the saviour of the weak.

“Enough with the technical meeting! I say we celebrate tonight to its fullest!” Salieri who grew bored of the protocol talks, lashed out his violin and started to play, inviting the listeners to move their bodies along with the melody. “Amigos por siempre!”

“Hmm, the wines they have are not half-bad,” commented Pandora, sneaking up behind Alex. “A glass of it soothes my soul and I feel like dancing. Care to join me?”

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing,” replied Alex, extending his right hand across. “Shall we?”

Pandora welcomed Alex’s invitation and together they blended with the crowd, waltzing in harmony without any care for the world. Alex took advantage of the situation by lightly touching Pandora here and there, feeling up the Witch’s sensational curves. Pandora didn’t seem to mind, as if it was her aim from the start.

“Hey, watch where you’re going!” yelled Stella as Alex’s back accidentally bumped into her, spilling her drinks all over her clothes.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to!” gasped Alex nervously while Pandora just laughed seeing the two of them panic.

“Al, you need to make it up to Stella and help her change,” advised Pandora mischievously. “I don’t think her laundry has dried yet. See if you have any attire she could use for a while.”

Hearing that suggestive remark, Stella was about to protest but Alex quickly grabbed her arm and dragging her away from the crowd into his hut.

“There, have a seat, Stella. I apologize, really!” expressed Alex as soon as they entered his place. “Let me find you something to wear.”

“Hmph, I’d rather be naked than to wear your smelly cloth!” responded Stella while turning her face away.

“Then why don’t you?” stated Alex, teasing the young elf who sat on his bed. “After all, nobody’s here and you can be yourself.”

Stella gritted her teeth, unable to decide what to do. She realized how rare this chance was and eager to maximize it, but in another hand, she was still unsure regarding her feelings.

As she was pondering, the door was knocked really loud. As Alex approached the entrance, the door was already slammed open.

“Alex, my boy! Why did you leave the party so early?” asked Gremio with an intoxicated look. “What will we do without the main character?”

“Apology, Alex. Rasheed tried to stop him but Gremio became wild beast,” explained Rasheed who came after the dwarf.

“Hey, don’t be sorry, be happy!” shouted Gremio while stepping inside the hut, followed by Rasheed. “Let’s bring the party here!”

“Seems the old dwarf is weak to alcohol,” commented Alex. “But Rasheed, you are not drunk at all, what a drinker!”

“Alex is wrong. Rasheed doesn’t drink,” responded Rasheed. “Lata’s teaching forbids alcohol.”

Feeling left out and cold from wet clothes, Stella cursed this unlikely duo for spoiling her once-in-a-blue-moon chance. Gremio’s alcohol breath annoyed her even further. Without a word, she rushed out of the hut. Alex tried to follow her but Gremio already grappled him to the ground. After series of silliness, Gremio became exhausted and just laid there on the floor snoring. Alex and Rasheed decided to do the same.

In the next morning, Alex and the gang prepared themselves to go back to the capital. The villagers gave various supplies as tokens of gratitude. Accompanied by Tristan and his troops, they started their way back home.

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