Chapter 62: Rigors of Training

Chapter 62: Rigors of Training

Kael awoke with a start, the first light of dawn seeping through the narrow window of his room. He bolted upright, realizing he had overslept. A quick glance at the sun's position told him he was already late. His heart pounded as he threw on his training attire: a dark, simple tunic, sturdy trousers, and leather boots. Hastily securing his sword at his side, he dashed out the door, his mind racing with a mix of anxiety and determination.

The training grounds were already bustling with activity when Kael arrived. Rows of students were engaged in synchronized drills, their movements crisp and coordinated. Master Kieran stood at the forefront, his presence commanding respect. Kael attempted to slip into the back of the formation, hoping to avoid notice, but Master Kieran's keen eyes missed nothing.

"Stoneforge!" Master Kieran's voice cut through the morning air, stern and unyielding. "You are late. In my training, punctuality is paramount."

Kael's cheeks
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