Chronicles of Kulkantzi
Chronicles of Kulkantzi
Author: Simon Ndibe
CHAPTER 1: The Provocation

‘’Why has Diego been looking all over campus for you?’’ a student asked.

‘’I don’t know. Maybe he needs something,’’ replied Alex, both students walking along the campus lawn leading to the faculty.

Deep down in his heart, Alex knew why Diego wanted him. He had kept a low profile for three days, in a bid to avoid him.

But today, he had enough and decided to go to class and risk running into him.

‘’I regret the day I met those three,’’ he murmured.

''For years I've endured their humiliation. But today I'll no longer take it. I'm ready to pay the price,'' he said in defiance.

''I do hope you have enough will to fight them off,'' the student gave him a worried look.

Alex was quite decisive about what he wanted to be in future, right from an early age.

"I want to become an archaeologist when I grow up," he said to his mother one day.

Years ago, a pregnant Isabella Rodriguez embarked on a long trip to Cosmopolis City. She was seeking refuge from the dangerous gang wars in her home country.

Isabella shook her head. ‘’You’ve been watching him again, haven’t you?’’

‘’Yes, mummy,’’ Alex nodded. ‘’Why do you have an angry face.’’

Isabella dropped the mitten she was knitting. ‘’You’re just ten years old, Alejandro,’’ she smiled.

‘’When you get older, you will understand that there’s more to life than just digging up dust from the earth.’’

Alex didn’t allow Isabella's discouragement to affect his enthusiasm. He read every book he could on ancient history, often visiting libraries and researching with his mother’s mobile phone.

Isabella had just returned from work one day when Alex gave her the news.

‘’I made it. I got the scholarship and admission,’’ he announced, embracing her warmly..

She was very pleased although she tried to hide her disapproval of his discipline of choice.

‘’Here I was worried sick about how to raise money for your tuition,’’ she patted him on the shoulder. ‘’And just like that, the answer to our prayers is here.’’

‘’Guess you’ll finally be leaving me to study Archeology at the University of Cosmopolis,’’ she smiled, glancing at the admission letter. 

‘’Your late father would be proud,’’ she gazed at a photo on the wall in sadness

She held his hands the morning that Alex departed for the University. ‘’Mi niño, don’t you ever pick up fights with nobody comprendes?’’

Alex nodded.

"Even if they provoke you, walk away. Promise me, Alejandro." 

These thoughts echoed through his mind as Alex received a rude awakening. 

‘’Hey Indie!’’. Diego stood by his car beckoning. ‘’Why have you been avoiding me?’’

Alex halted abruptly, his hands firmly grasping the straps of the brown knapsack slung behind him.

‘’Gotta go Alex. See you later,’’ the student excused himself, scurrying away quickly from the scene.

‘’I beg of you Diego, I don’t want any trouble today. Just leave me alone,’’ Alex pleaded as he turned to the alternate pathway towards the classroom.

Ryan suddenly planted himself in the way, stopping him from moving forward. "Boss wants to talk to you. Are you deaf?" he growled.

‘’Get over there!’’ he barked, shoving Alex so hard backwards that he tripped and fell.                                    

‘’Give that back,’’ Alex screamed, as he engaged in a struggle, dragging his bag with Tyler who had attacked him from behind.

Diego Alvarez was the only son of Carlos Alvarez, the ‘’El Capo’’ or leader of the El Diablo cartel.

Apart from his reputed ruthlessness, Carlos was a billionaire and well-connected in Cosmopolis, and many other flagship cities.

One evening at the campus club party Diego approached one of the student bouncers:

‘’I saw you and the other guy in class yesterday’’ he said, pointing to a student standing in the car park. ‘’Are you brothers?’’

‘’No Mr Alvarez. We’ve been friends since freshman year.’’


‘’Name is Ryan Wilson,’’ Ryan said. ‘’Nice ride you got there.’’

‘’Oh that,’’ Diego smiled. ‘’It’s one of my toys.’’

‘’I serve here as the bouncer. My dad is a professional bodybuilder’’

‘’And your friend?’’ Diego looked in the direction of the other student.

‘’Oh, he’s Tyler Evans. Plays for the university baseball team. His dad is a major league basketball coach.’’

‘’I see,’’ Diego smiled, rubbing his chin.

‘’Perhaps we can meet tomorrow for some chat over coffee. We would make a great tag team.’’


‘’How much is that rag of a bag? Fifty cents?’’ Diego laughed loudly as he approached Alex.

‘’You think a poor church rat like you can have the bloody guts to defy my orders?’’ he sneered, a wicked grin spreading on his face.

‘’Seize him!’’ he ordered, as Ryan and Tyler grabbed Alex.

‘’Do you know who my father is?’’ he scowled. ‘’Perhaps you need another lesson today, Indie’’ 

‘’And this time, you’ll learn to show me some respect around here,’’ he cracked his knuckles while balling his fists.

‘’I don’t work for you anymore. Let me go,’’ Alex snapped but was momentarily silenced when Diego delivered a sucker punch that landed squarely on his abdomen.


Alex recoiled and winced in pain, gasping for breath. He had been released momentarily and was on his knees.

‘’Get up,’’ Diego yelled at him. ‘’Get the hell up, Rodriguez.’’

Ryan and Tyler dragged him to his feet, holding so tight that their nails dug into his flesh.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Diego said as he unbuttoned Alex’s shirt.

Reaching out, he grabbed an object hanging from Alex's neck. It was a green and rhombus-shaped pendant resembling an emerald.

"Don’t touch it. It belongs to my family," Alex pleaded.

‘’Shut up you weasel,’’ Diego screamed, ripping the amulet off his neck.

‘’This’ll be the last time you’ll ever see this piece of junk,’’ he sneered, examining the object.

With sweat dripping down his face and adrenaline pumping, Alex knew he had to act fast.

Mustering all the saliva he could from his mouth, he expelled the sputum into Tyler’s eyes.

"Aww, you disgusting..." Tyler yelled, letting go of Alex as he raised his muscular hand to wipe off the spit from his face.

In one swift movement, he lunged forward delivering a well-aimed kick at Diego’s groin. Diego dropped the amulet, his face contorting in excruciating pain.

‘’You bastard.’’ he cursed. You dared to assault my balls with those cheap shoes of yours.’’

Reaching for a baseball bat on the floor, he swung it blindly at Alex, missing his head by mere inches.

‘’I’ll kill you, you despicable swine,’’ he muttered under his breath, steading his hands to take another swing.

‘’What’s going on here?’’ a soft but authoritative female voice emerged from the background.

All four young men froze, their gazes fixed on the approaching figure.

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