CHAPTER 3: The Rebirth

As he plummeted, memories of his life flashed before him—the moments with his mother, Serena, childhood adventures, and cherished loved ones—all converging in an instant.

With a sickening thud, his body smashed against the unforgiving rocky floor with such devastating impact that he was mortally wounded. Alex was left all alone fighting for his life.

There was a sharp pain in his back which began to spread. He opened his mouth to ask for help but blood gushed out, flowing into the sand.

He gasped for air, his body wracked with agony as he struggled to stay conscious. "I'm hurt. I can't move. Help!". 


His voice waned to a feeble whisper as his life ebbed away. Just when he had lost all hope, the amulet began to emit a luminous green light, casting a glow in the darkened surroundings

The last thing he remembered was a shadowy figure floating towards him.


‘’Arise chosen one, Kukulkan commands’’ a voice thundered, causing the entire chamber to vibrate like in an earthquake.

The amulet tore away from Alex’s unconscious body, shooting above like a rising star. An explosive eruption of bright light followed.

The aftermath revealed a tall, muscular male dressed like an ancient warrior. He was seated on what seemed like a throne, looking fierce and battle-ready.

Arranged in a semi-circle in front of his throne were six bronze statues; each possessed a human body and the head of an animal.

‘’Arise Guardians!’’ Cetzal commanded, stamping his staff on the ground.

Bolts of lightning emerged from his staff, connecting to all six statues. One by one, they all came to life. 

‘’Welcome back lords of the council,’’ he greeted.

‘’Waking us from over a thousand years of slumber,’’ came a reply

‘’It had better be good,’’ said another.

‘’Last time we were activated was during the great war.’’

‘’Ah, the the dark force.’’

‘’What about them?’’

‘’Their return was foretold.’’

‘’Guardians! Cetzal interrupted. ‘’We have to complete the ritual.’’

‘’He has been given a new life.’’ He said, pointing at the body of Alex. ‘’Now is the time to summon his soul and spirit to be united to his body.’’

All of them nodded in approval.

Raising his staff, Cetzal drew lightning from the sky. Pointing it towards an alter at the middle of the chamber, he chanted:

‘’Oh Great Kukulkan, creator of life, the time has come for your chosen one.’’

‘’Chouka, Chouka, Chouka!”

‘’Chay-en!’’ All seven guardians responded.

Alex’s body was suddenly levitated, floating on the ground towards an altar.

The amulet descended towards him and attached to his chest, emitting green rays.

In an instant all broken bones and flesh sealed up, healing all his injuries. He opened his eyes. 

‘’Where am I?”

‘’Welcome home, Kulkantzi,’’ Cetzal greeted.

‘’Kul, what? My name is Alex. What am I doing here? Who are you?’’

In a split second, he dashed forward, appearing in front of the man in a blur of speed and agility.

‘’Wow, I’m fast’’ he said, surprised.’’What happened to me?’’

The council members exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgement passing between them.

‘’Master Kulkantzi, I am Cetzal, ambassador of the gods and keeper of the stars. I represent Ek Chuah, the god of war, on this council’’

‘’The power of Kukulkan has awoken in you.’’

‘’This amulet you wear belonged to his only son, Kulkantzi.’’

‘’During the great war, we all fought against the dark forces, but they connived with one of our warriors to betray him’’

‘’Before he died and joined the gods, his spirit was expelled into the Chakoom, the amulet you have.’’

‘’Only a direct bloodline descendant wearing it could resurrect the spirit of Kulkantzi. So now his spirit is merged with yours.’’

‘’I am a direct bloodline of this Kulkantzi guy?’’ Alex wondered.

‘’Yes you are,’’ Yum Balám, the creature with the head of a jaguar answered.

‘KulkantziI fell in love with a human girl and she bore a child. You are of his lineage’’

‘’You are now one with Kulkantzi, son of the great god Kukulkhan,’’ Yum Kax, the creature with the eagle head said.

‘’You are in him and he is in you.’’

‘’Let me introduce you to the other members of the Council of Guardians,’’ Cetzal announced, rising from his throne.

‘’With me here are six demigods, each representing a particular gift: Wisdom, Healing, Teleportation, Telekinesis and Speed.

‘’What’s number six?’’

‘’Elemental Forces.’’ Yum Chak, the creature with the head of a lizard replied. 


‘’Yes. Earth, Water and Wind.’’

‘’It will take some time before you can develop my powers. Unlike the others, my powers have to be earned.’’ 

Alex whistled in surprise.


‘’You will know when you’re ready.’’

‘’Son of Kulkantzi,’’ Cetzal interrupted

‘’Your awakening will give many hope. But it may also have opened a Pandora’s box.’’

‘’They’ll be watching you.’’

‘’Who?’’ Alex asked, puzzled.

‘’You will know, when the time comes.’’

‘’Three millennia ago, the creator of life Kukulkan sent us to help the humans fight against the dark forces and rulers of the underworld,’’ Cetzal continued.

‘’We succeeded in subduing the dark force legion, but they were not completely defeated. ‘’I fought alongside my master Ek Chuah.’’

‘With the power of the Chakoom, they were stripped of most of their powers and banished to the underworld.

‘’The Chakoom?’’

‘’Yes, young master. Your amulet.’’

‘’The Chakoom was handed over to the humans from Kulkantzi’s descendants for safekeeping; far away from the temple.

‘’A prophecy revealed that the dark forces would be back for a final battle if the Chakoom is ever reactivated again.’’

‘’When will that be?’’ Alex asked

‘’The Blood Moon will be the sign’’

Alex looked at them, deep in thought.

"The guardians are your most trusted allies,’’ Cetzel said as if reading his mind. ‘’Each of them is gifted with unique abilities that will aid you on your path.’’

‘’But remember, true power comes from within. It is your courage, your integrity, and your willingness to stand for what is right that will define your legacy."

Alex took a deep breath.

"Do not be afraid. You carry the burden of your past, son of Kulkantzi," Yum Balám spoke softly.

"But let it not weigh you down. Let it be the fuel that ignites your resolve, the reminder of why you fight."

Cetzal nodded approvingly. 

"You have the heart of a warrior. But remember, a true warrior knows when to wield a sword and when to offer a hand. Compassion and strength must walk hand in hand if you are to succeed."

‘’The Chakoom will always be there to guide you.’’

At that moment, Alex’s ears began to twitch. He noticed that the amulet emitted a glow. But this time, it was not the usual green colour.

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