CHAPTER 7: The Response

‘’You were supposed to be dead,’’ Diego muttered, summoning some courage

‘’How did he survive?’’ Ryan asked, surprised.

‘’Maybe the hole wasn’t as deep as we thought.’’

‘’Some guts you have coming in here all alone after all that happened, Alex,’’ Tyler sneered.

‘’You think you’re some tough guy huh?’’

‘’I bet he would yelp for help as usual. Maybe this time, that Serena girl will come to his rescue.’’

All three burst into laughter.

Alex looked unperturbed, not noticing their subtle threats.

‘’Don’t you have nothing to say poor street rat?’’ Tyler teased.

‘’Cat got your tongue, Indie?’’

Alex cast a nonchalant gaze at the trio, then shifted attention to his wristwatch. 

‘’You boys should find something better to do with your time. All the wealth you display belongs to your parents. Not you.’’

‘’Just friendly advice,’’ he added, turning to leave.

‘’What did you just say?’’ Tyler asked angrily.


‘’Hey, I’m talking to you, dummy.’’

‘’Looks like good old Indie is high on some Mexican cocaine’’ Diego said to his friends.

‘’That must be where he got the guts to misbehave in our presence.’’

Cracking their knuckles, Tyler and Ryan approached Alex.

‘’Time to teach the stubborn brat some new lessons in respect’’

‘’I wouldn’t do that if I were you,’’ Alex warned. ‘’Don’t wanna hurt anyone today.’’

He was at the door now and opened the lock.

‘’Hey, I like this guy. He's got a sense of humour after all,’’ Tyler said.

‘’Are you threatening us Indie? We can kill you right here and nothing will happen.’’

‘’I’ve seen my dad’s henchmen dispatch nobodies like you to the other side.’’

Alex turned to him, smiled and popped a chewing gum into his mouth.

‘’Enough talks! Let’s seize him before he escapes again, Diego growled, brandishing a knife and walking menacingly towards him.

Backing the door and facing the three men, Alex turned the knob into a lock position in anticipation of their next move. He didn’t want anyone barging in to witness what was about to happen.

Tyler launched the first salvo, swinging a punch at him. Alex ducked swiftly, sending his punch hitting the thin air.

Then grabbing his outstretched arm with a firm grip, Alex twisted it backwards and with a sudden movement, hurled his body towards the oncoming Ryan.

The force sent both crashing through the toilet door, cracking the water closet.

Diego halted suddenly, his eyes wide with horror as he stared at Alex

‘’You’re gonna regret this,’’ he spat.

With a wild look in his eyes, he lunged at Alex with the knife.

Alex intercepted his hand just as the knife descended, stopping it a mere few inches from his chest. With a tight squeeze of his fist, Diego cried out in pain, dropping his weapon.

Using his free hand, Alex lifted Diego off the ground, tossing him towards the urinal at the far end of the room. He landed with a crash, groaning in agony.

Having finished his task, Alex picked up his bag from the floor.

‘’See you later folks. Your fathers are rich. I bet they'll pay all for the damages.’’

He unlocked the door and shut it behind him. As he left for the lobby, an idea occurred to him

‘’Wait. I have telekinetic powers, meaning I can move things.’’

He returned to the restroom and on reaching the door, snapped his fingers. The key was magically locked, trapping Diego and the other two inside.


Hours later, he was at the hotel reception, seated with Serena.

It’s already 7 pm. ‘’Want to get something to eat?’’ she asked.

‘’Emm,’’ he scratched his head.

‘’C’mon, baby. It’ll be fun.’’

Alex studied her for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. He wanted to avoid the streets of Mexico as much as possible but didn’t know how to tell her.

Sensing the change in her mood, he decided to give in. 

‘’Our flight back to Cosmopolis is at 9 am tomorrow. So we have time to see the town a bit,’’ he said.

‘’Okay, great.’’ she said looking relieved. ‘’Let’s find somewhere not too far.’’

Both strolled from the hotel onto the sidewalk on the street, holding hands.

‘’Did you hear about Diego, Tyler and Ryan today?’’

‘’Nope. What happened?’’ Alex replied, pretending to look inquisitive.

‘’The janitor heard them screaming and banging on the restroom door this afternoon.’’

‘’Really? But couldn’t they have just unlocked from inside?’

''Janitor said he was surprised the door was locked from outside. He’s the only one with the keys.’’


‘’And could you believe this?’’

‘’What?’’ Alex asked

‘’All three were seen with various degrees of injuries.’’.

‘’Hmmm. And did they say anything about who attacked them?’’

‘’They refused to talk to anybody about it.’’

‘’But why?’’

‘’Who knows? They could have been fighting each other over something.’’

‘’So where are they now?’’

‘’An ambulance took them to hospital for treatment.’’

‘’I see.’’ 

‘’You could have seen Diego. The paramedics put a neck brace on him.’’

‘’That’s serious Serena. I hope they’ll be fine.’’

‘’Serves them right, Those bullies. Bet it would be some relief for you dear.’’

Alex grinned. ‘’I wouldn’t bother myself with their trouble for now.’’

After some minutes of trekking, they reached their destination.

‘’We’re here. La Cantina Fried Chicken. Hope their food tastes as good as it looks.’’

It was a restaurant with modest looks. The walls were adorned with colourful murals depicting scenes of Mexican life and culture. The seating area had wooden tables and chairs, each covered by tablecloths embroidered with traditional patterns.

As they sat eating and chatting, Alex noticed a black-tinted Chevrolet Sports Utility Vehicle parking just outside. He could hear someone struggling inside but couldn’t filter out the sound.

Closing his eyes for a moment and focusing his auditory powers, he could at last make out a male voice on the phone.

"Yes boss, we have her."

"We want to buy food since she hasn’t eaten since we took her hours ago."

"OK, boss. He’ll have the money ready."

"I already told him we will kill the girl if the 10 million dollars isn’t paid."

"No boss. We warned him not to involve the police."

Alex was struck with shock as the realization dawned on him—he might be dealing with a potential case of kidnapping.

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