Chapter 4.

Berilan looked at Marc, got back on his feet and walked away from all of them because he could tell that Marc didn't understand a thing about what he was saying.

"Was it what I said?" Marc asked Ruven because the way Berilan looked at him before leaving could tell it was.

"I'm sure it was," Ruven answered honestly since he knew Berilan better than Marc did. "You do know what the drows are right?"


"Well, that explains a lot. For starters, they are dark elves, said to be defeated long ago, but it appears they were only hiding while they grow in strength and number, waiting for the right time to attack and reap the world of everything good." Ruven explained in the simplest term he could.

But that wasn't going to stop Marc from achieving the main purpose why he chose to follow Berilan. "We still need to rescue them right?"

"I'll say you get some rest, you've journeyed a long distance." Ruven didn't know what else to say to Marc. "Let's clear the road." He commanded the rest of the elves.

As they were leaving the road side according to his command, one of the elves whispered to him. "I think the human is right. We should go back to their rescue. Remember, your sister is among the captives and she will be waiting for you."

"Not now, Ristel." Ruven didn't want to have that conversation, nor did he want to talk about his sister Unae. He wasn't even sure whether the drows kept them prisoners or not.


The elves gathered in a cave, which was a secret hideout there in the forest with Marc and Githa, waiting for Berilan to join them. He's being out there made him the next person they would look up to on what to do next. It was getting dark already, yet he wasn't there, so Ruven went out to fetch him

"We are waiting for your command, Beri," he said, standing behind Berilan.

Berilan was very much aware of his present responsibilities, but didn't know what to say to his kin, that was why he remained outside the cave. "What would you have me do, Ruven?"

"I'm not sure," Ruven sat beside after confirming that he was ready to talk. "The rest think your brother is right about going back."

"He doesn't know anything. He's only here to find out why my father abandoned him." Berilan replied because he too wasn't ignorant of Marc's purpose.

"What about you? Don't you want to know why he never spoke of him? Why you were asked to find him?"

"I don't know what I want right now. You saw the army of drows, what can you say about them."

"They were brutal, showing no mercy. They would torture anyone till they get what they want."

"And what do they want?"

"That I do not know. But since your father spoke of it, then he should know." Ruven answered.

That was indirectly what Berilan wanted to hear at the moment. "In that case, we have to save them." He got up and went into the cave with Ruven.

Entering the cave gave the elves this joy, as they await his command on what to do.

“Who is ready for a rescue mission?” Berilan asked and it wasn’t any surprise to him that all fifteen elves stood to their feet, including Marc and his sister.

He rolled his eyes, looking at each of them one after another, when he got to Marc and Githa, he then said, “No way, not you two.”

“I am coming with you and you won’t stop me.” Marc answered knowing fully well why Berilan didn’t want him to go with them. “Just give a weapon.”

“You can’t handle yourself against the drows.”

“I handled myself pretty well against those beasts, and you saw it. How hard can the drows be?”

“And what about your sister? Can she handle herself too?” Berilan wanted him to reconsider his decision for her sake.

“She’s not coming with us. Someone can stay back with her.”

“We’ll need all the fighters we can and you are not a fighter, thereby making you the best option to stay back.”

“Wait, he doesn’t know how to fight?” Ruven whispered to Berilan.

“Give me a sword and I will prove myself.” Marc heard the whisper and replied with all boldness.

“You don’t have to.”

“We are not debating this.” Marc answered.

Ruven loved the courage and boldness he was seeing in Marc, as such doubted what Berilan said about him not knowing how to fight, so he wanted to confirm this for himself. “Give him a sword.” Ruven commanded one of the elves as he drew his.

“No Ruven, we are not doing this.” Berilan tried to stop him.

“Let the half-elf prove himself.” Ruven refused to heed Berilan’s words. Next there was clashing of swords as Marc kept going back while defending himself.

The manner in which he blocked Ruven’s attack proved that he didn’t know how to fight, but Ruven didn’t just stop immediately, he wanted to see all that he’s got before concluding on whether he would go with them or not.

As he started going easy on Marc, all of a sudden, Marc took it to his advantage, by brushing him to the ground and instantly pointed the sword to his neck so he would yield.

But that was not enough to make Ruven yield, seeing he was distracted by looking at those around, Ruven slid him down too, snatched his swords and had both weapons pointing at Marc.

“I yield,” Marc said as he was the one lying while Ruven was standing.

So Ruven lent him a helping hand back to his feet. “You have a lot of learning to do.” He tossed the sword over to the elf that borrowed it to Marc. “But you did good.” He added.

“Does that mean I am coming?” Marc asked.

Coming close to Berilan, Ruven whispered once again. “He may not be a fighter, but he has the heart of one. We will need him in our company.”

“I can not guarantee your safety nor that of your sister because we need all the hands we can get.” Berilan finally listened to Ruven.

Feeling very excited, he quarts and says to his sister. “Githa, you can’t come with us. You will be safe in this cave till we return.”

“Marc no,” She objected.

“Listen to your brother. This place it hidden, no harm will come to you here as long as you do not go outside.” Berilan further assured her, seeing that Marc had made the right choice by telling her to stay back.

“We should take advantage of the dark.” Ruven suggested and they head out of the cave at once and its entrance disappears, only to show up when an elf comes before it again.

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